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Commandos HQ  /  Modding & Mods  /  BEL map viewer
Posted by: malik_cjm, December 21, 2009, 7:43pm
Hi. I'm new guy here. I would like you present very first version of my application written using Qt4 framework.
It can display the map from BEL and BCD versions. It has some bugs but I'm working on it.
Any comments welcome. Below you can find some screenshots of this application with map already loaded.
In few days I will put the application on some server and you, or if some one have place to store I can put it there.

Also I've a request.
It would be great if some one could explain me how to set proper order of the POLY object's on the map.
Posted by: wyel2000, December 22, 2009, 1:19am; Reply: 1
by Ferdinand Graf von Zeppelin

a tool can loading bel map to bmp.
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