Hey there lads, ý am an old commandos fan. now, ý would like to edit the number of bullets found on dead enemies, as well as increase my commandos initial ammo. I have been able to to this on Commndos 3 by extracting the macro file and editing it, howerevr when ý do the same in c2, all the enemies will be unarmed:S!! they appear with rifles in their hands but, they dont have them!even patrolmen attack with fists.pretty fynny :) please help me with this.I am particularly obsessed with sniper bullets.Yhisalso makes the game more realistic,ý mean an enmy fires at you a thousand times,but when u search his corpse,he has only 3 bullets!? ahh and ý would also like to edit the enemys "detection" capabilities. ý mean, ý want to disable enemy officers and ss soldiers from recognizing my spy,the frenchy.thus ý want him to rremain undetected even while he runs in enemies sigts.Please help me with these issues, ý am also planning to make a mod based on realism. by the way, increasing the enemies and the commandoses fiiring ranges would be pretty good too.YOUR FEEDBACKS WÝLL BE APPRECIATED MUCH!! THANXIN ADVANCE... |