The software is used to translate Commandos image files. Now supporting: Y64 <-> Bmp RLE <-> Gif GRL <-> Gif ABI -> Gif MBI <-> Obj + Mtl + Gif SEC <- Obj MA2 -> Gif & Bmp
Drag the files or directories onto the application file - Or - Use console mode like: ImageConverter file1 file2 file3 ... will run it. But you can't drag too much at a time, as there is a limit in Windows that may cause some troubles. Don't change the last two extended filename of exported file or directory (ex. ".rle.gif", ".grl.files"). For GRL files, when you change the name of the files under the directory, reserve the last extended filename(".gif"), and change the corresponding filename in "Description.ini" and scripts which are related to the file. Notice: The gif files being exported out may have some problem when you draw new colors on it. (It's not the color you want.) It's caused by the palette. You CAN change the palette. What you need is to save the image as gif at last, then it's OK to be re-imported. Developing... |