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Posted by: wyel2000, July 23, 2009, 2:40am

1.goto your comm2 game folder. rename DATA and OUTPUT folder. for example !DATA and !OUTPUT.
2.extraction Playing_bel_bcd_on_c2_all.rar.
3.copy DATA and OUTPUT folder to your comm2 game folder. comm2.exe. select a mission and start game.
(only all bcd mission can playing. bel mission is m1 and m9)

Special thanks for herbert3000:
supply to me moding message and some help. and develop the some tools to moding:
1.bcdsec to belsec
2.wad to bmp
3.belsec to c2sec
4.vol to ma2
his more tool goto

1.invisibility cheat is activated----fix when update
2.when bomb is exploded game stops----unknown. if bomb on a screen to exploded. exploded is natural second mission enemy can see through walls----fix when update

2010-2-21——by herbert3000
1.all SEC changed (enemy can't see through walls, bushes, ...)
2.other changes: see fix2.jpg
known issue: thor strange view
game draws green views, but enemies can't look through tents (very strange)

more msg goto my blog:


Posted by: wyel2000, July 23, 2009, 3:02am; Reply: 1
C2_display Subtitles:

add the line:
=>0,500,By dawn, you should be stationed near the camp.
=>0,500,Beware of these Panzers.
=>500,800,They are engaged and ready to act against you.
=>0,500,You will destroy the detection equipment.
=>0,500,the weapons store.
=>0,500,the command post.
=>0,500,and the bunker.
=>0,400,Then a vehicle will pick you up from the south.
=>400,500,Simple, isn't it?...
=>500,700,Good luck!
Posted by: AndrewT, July 23, 2009, 8:15am; Reply: 2
this is awesome, mate, huge respect!
Posted by: AndrewT, July 23, 2009, 1:09pm; Reply: 3
i tried it, and have to say it's actually fantastic!
the whole map feels like 3d, and considering the sight of the soldiers, it is! absolutley suberp!
and i like the fact, that the game settings imitate the old commandos 2, increased and widened line of sight, faster movement, just like old times! awesome!
Posted by: davemaster99, July 23, 2009, 1:28pm; Reply: 4
Simply perfect! Are you going to make more missiones in C2 style?
Posted by: AndrewT, July 26, 2009, 8:47am; Reply: 5
would it make sense to enlarge the map to fit the commandos2 size soldiers and vehicles? only the 3 tanks look a bit strange with those smaller scale buildings, but as the 3d objects are set manually, could it be an option?
Posted by: wyel2000, July 27, 2009, 3:43am; Reply: 6
me waiting the ma2 moding toos to complete.
lately plan share the moding means.

the question is ma2 file not activation. only change the angle to one.
Posted by: Rayz, July 27, 2009, 4:29pm; Reply: 7
a little tip for u guys...
Rayfile is a file-sharing site, besides simplified chinese, it also supports english interface.
replace "zh-cn" with "en". see following:
Quoted Text

they both links to a same file.
and another tip: Raysource is used for downloading large files(using p2p method), but sometimes it may hurt the file. like when opening an rar archive u get a error msg: CRC-checked failed. that means the file is corrupted. re-download may solve the prob.
Posted by: wyel2000, July 28, 2009, 8:54am; Reply: 8
Quoted from Rayz


Posted by: AndrewT, July 29, 2009, 4:52pm; Reply: 9
Quoted from wyel2000
the question is ma2 file not activation. only change the angle to one.

could you please explain it to me in a little more details?
Posted by: wyel2000, July 31, 2009, 1:10am; Reply: 10
The Commandos2 MA2 file structure table
look NDGrapherAndCommDevToolkitSrc.rar\Src\Doc\ToTranslate\Comm2_ma2.htm
Posted by: AndrewT, July 31, 2009, 8:42am; Reply: 11
Posted by: farmakoxeris, August 3, 2009, 8:57pm; Reply: 12
Quoted from wyel2000
how does this downlink work? i tried, i registered but i couldn't download it.

Posted by: AndrewT, August 3, 2009, 11:37pm; Reply: 13
i don't think you have to register. you hit the link, the on the right hand side, you'll see the details of the download, then press "To Download Page", and there is your download button.
Posted by: 119 (Guest), August 31, 2009, 7:39am; Reply: 14
nice mod !!!!
Posted by: 119 (Guest), August 31, 2009, 7:41am; Reply: 15
thanks !!!
Posted by: wyel2000, February 8, 2010, 7:37pm; Reply: 16
2010-2-9   update

Posted by: Felo, February 10, 2010, 3:29pm; Reply: 17
That's nice but on what version i must play this? Normal commandos 2 or destination paris? i have DP and on some missiones i dont have any enemies and commandos and on other ones enemis do nothing. I can easy come on map and killing them and there is no alarm. Only i have this problem?

Anyway its rly nice mod :)
Posted by: herbert3000, February 10, 2010, 4:14pm; Reply: 18
Quoted from Felo
That's nice but on what version i must play this? Normal commandos 2 or destination paris? i have DP and on some missiones i dont have any enemies and commandos and on other ones enemis do nothing. I can easy come on map and killing them and there is no alarm. Only i have this problem?

Anyway its rly nice mod :)

In some missions the invisibility cheat is activated.
Type GONZOANDJON and press CTRL + V to deactivate it.
Posted by: kKaminey, February 13, 2010, 11:26am; Reply: 19
many bugs, in first bcd mission when bomb is exploded game stops, in second mission enemy can see through walls, and so on,
Posted by: AndrewT, February 14, 2010, 9:01am; Reply: 20
Quoted from kKaminey
many bugs, in first bcd mission when bomb is exploded game stops, in second mission enemy can see through walls, and so on,

i think it would be a good idea to collect and post here all the bugs and misbehaviours with correct and detailed descriptions, maybe with screenshots if neccessary, to make it easier for the developers to correct them.
Posted by: Faiomehdi, February 14, 2010, 11:07pm; Reply: 21
who can give us a mirror download?
Posted by: herbert3000, February 15, 2010, 9:56am; Reply: 22
if you prefer rapidshare:
Posted by: Faiomehdi, February 15, 2010, 4:45pm; Reply: 23
Posted by: Faiomehdi, February 15, 2010, 4:59pm; Reply: 24
I prefer megaupload mirror
they are more humans than rapidshare that said that they have no more remaining slots for free downloaders
Posted by: Imp, February 15, 2010, 8:48pm; Reply: 25
Thanks as always herbert3000.
Posted by: herbert3000, February 15, 2010, 9:01pm; Reply: 26
Especially for Faiomehdi ;)
(mirror of Playing_bel_bcd_on_c2_all.rar, 2010-2-9)
Posted by: Faiomehdi, February 16, 2010, 3:18pm; Reply: 27
I would like to thank you herbert3000 for your kindness
thanks a lot
Posted by: wyel2000, February 20, 2010, 3:26am; Reply: 28
known issue:
1.invisibility cheat is activated----fix when update
2.when bomb is exploded game stops----unknown. if bomb on a screen to exploded. exploded is natural second mission enemy can see through walls----can fix. to set sec file..

thanks all the fighting comrades.
Posted by: wyel2000, February 21, 2010, 3:13am; Reply: 29

1.invisibility cheat is activated----fix when update
2.when bomb is exploded game stops----unknown. if bomb on a screen to exploded. exploded is natural second mission enemy can see through walls----fix when update

2010-2-21——by herbert3000
1.all SEC changed (enemy can't see through walls, bushes, ...)
2.other changes: see fix2.jpg
known issue: thor strange view
game draws green views, but enemies can't look through tents (very strange)
Posted by: AndrewT, February 21, 2010, 8:34am; Reply: 30
is it possible to play these missions with the original Commandos2 movement speeds and sight ranges?
Posted by: wyel2000, February 22, 2010, 5:09am; Reply: 31
the sight and move speed is restitute bel and bcd. add some difficulty
Print page generated: February 27, 2010, 11:59pm