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Commandos HQ / Modding & Mods / Coding Bombing upon event (or Explosions)
Posted by: MoiChain, November 7, 2009, 2:59pm
I want to create an event that simulate a bombing.
I thought of putting a vehicule on railes that would wait the event to be launched and then run on a mine.
I just have to make the vehicule invible and the illusion will be good.
Anyone knows how to make the vehicule invisible ?
or any better solution for the bombing event ?
Posted by: wyel2000, November 7, 2009, 6:27pm; Reply: 1 explode event?
look me planing c3 on c2 code.
auto explode when time is over.
2.Invisible vehicles
the car is hide before use the radio.
Posted by: MoiChain, November 9, 2009, 9:37am; Reply: 2
Thanks !
I succeeded to teleport barrel, mine, bombs upon event, with .REGLAS (... .
But How to make them explode ?
a vehicule ? the teleported mine makes the game crash while exploding under man or vehicule !
or should I use
both ? nor ?
Posted by: wyel2000, November 9, 2009, 10:43am; Reply: 3
this is control explosions show and area after happen event.
you not look me the code? the have for example.
Posted by: MoiChain, November 9, 2009, 11:26am; Reply: 4
I looked and found how to teleport barrel, mine, ... I coded it in my mission, teleport ok, but no explosion...
in your code, wich EVENTO is explosion : LAIN, LAIM, BOMB ?
LAIN makes barrel (and others things) teleport, no ?
what makes trigger explosion ?
Posted by: MoiChain, November 9, 2009, 6:00pm; Reply: 5
I understand it is the mine that makes the barrel and bombs explode.
But what makes the mine explode ? Obviously not the barrel or bombs ...
Posted by: wyel2000, November 9, 2009, 6:40pm; Reply: 6
TIME OVER=LAIN=BOMB=mission fail
Teletransporta BARRIL+MINA+BOMBA+BOMBAACT to "TOKEN MINA_1105" area
TOKEN MINA_1105+BARRIL=explosions
The all POS=[1217.46 -3423.12 0 EXTERIOR] when explosions
Posted by: MoiChain, November 9, 2009, 8:02pm; Reply: 7
Thank You very Much ! ! !
XieXie ! !
Works great !
Posted by: MoiChain, November 11, 2009, 12:00am; Reply: 8
Thanks again !
I coded a very nice bombing event !
For anyone interested :
Place an AntitankeMine on the desired location
And then, upon event, Teletransport ( by a regla in .REGLAS ) at the same place another AntitankeMine, and a StandardMine (you can even add a Barrel, for a bigger explosion, and/or a TimeBomb for an even bigger, or all that !)
The first AntitankeMine is important. The game will crash without it. If you don't want the scenario to have this mine, then erase all four letter words (I think the CHOC is enough but if you may erase all them) in the .LISTAS (... of the AntiTankeMine.
Thanks to wyel2000 !
GoodLuck to all !
Posted by: wyel2000, November 11, 2009, 2:54am; Reply: 9
:) ^_^
expect your moding release pack!
Posted by: MoiChain, November 11, 2009, 2:08pm; Reply: 10
I'm presently coding only 1 mission, but nicely (or so I try)...
The scene takes place in the Normandy country during the D-Day night : Operation "Coup de main".
I work on 3 very different difficulty levels, including different map objects wether you play "easy as pie", normal or really tough ! ...
Objectives are ready.
Map objects are almost ready...
The bombing is ready :

Then I have to work on Ennemies and it will be finished !
About 2 weeks from now (or so I hope).
Thanks again for your help.
Posted by: wyel2000, November 11, 2009, 2:48pm; Reply: 11
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