I had a Sold-Out-Software version (Plus my old Original) and was running Windows XP NT.
I had sound but no-loading videos then game not starting. Tutorial working ok. I fixed mine like this....As mentioned elsewhere, the registry is what you need to edit. Mine looked like this...
HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE / Pyro / Commandos / 1.0MP
you'll need it to re-read...
HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE / Pyro / Comma ndos / 1.0MP
This will fix the game starting, it will skip the videos and ask you to insert the CD, but upon clicking CANCEL, will start the game.
Next up, it won't let you save / load Back to the registry then...
Create a new 'Commandos / 1.0MP' key identical to the 'Comma ndos / 1.0MP' folder in
So, HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE / Pyro / Commandos / 1.0MP
Just create a new 'DirIns' String identical to the other folder and a DWORD 'Type' as in the other folder. Don't create a 'DirCd' though in this folder.
That should do it. I'm guessing it uses both folders, the one works for running the game, the other for Loading and Saving
Really hope this fixes it for you, Good Luck |