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Commandos HQ  /  Modding & Mods  /  Saving Private Smith bug (wyel2000 mod)
Posted by: sniper frank, February 10, 2010, 11:48pm
hello again, well the thing is I was playing the mission "Saving Private Smith", when suddenly begin arriving German soldiers everywhere and I killed them all.
Then restart the mission and: (watch the video) and that happens, I wonder if there is a solution for this problem.

For another thing when I try to activate the invasion, won the mission, why it occurs? solution exists?

thanks for answering
Posted by: wyel2000, February 20, 2010, 3:18am; Reply: 1
me can't view the video, please attach the issue image.

activate the invasion:
1.rescue all comandos
2.get the code
3.smith to use radio.
Posted by: sniper frank, February 22, 2010, 11:37pm; Reply: 2
Here: this image is the mission saving private smith: that's my problem

i hoppe help you with this images, if you can know why happend this plz teld me and i fix it..
Posted by: wyel2000, February 23, 2010, 2:30am; Reply: 3
try the means:

1.look *.tut

      .EVENTO_CUMPLE STAR #after event. display "TEXT NA02"
         [ .TEXT NA01 ] #when game start
      .EVENTO_CUMPLE DARI #after event. display "TEXT NA03"
         [ .TEXT NA02 ] #display text

2.look *.str

NA01     " text "
NA02     " tex "
NA03     " tex "
Posted by: sniper frank, February 23, 2010, 5:15am; Reply: 4
thanks man i will try!
Print page generated: February 27, 2010, 11:59pm