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Posted by: wyel2000, August 26, 2009, 4:04am
Playing_BEL_On_BCD_ALL.rar (60.8M) the "RaySource" software on doanload tool page:
2.install the "RaySource_Setup_*.*.exe" your IE and input: "To Download Page" button on goto page. "Raysource" button after wait. start your "RaySource" tool and appear info edit interface. "Start doanload" after confirm the info.

game means:

1.extraction WAR_MP.DIR and replace to your BCD game folder.
  tool: *\Tools\CoRE.exe
2.rename WAR_MP.DIR. for example: !WAR_MP.DIR
3.extraction Playing_BEL_On_BCD_ALL.rar. replace all files to your BCD game folder. the Coman_mp.exe. start game after enter.
5.the mission first is BEL 1-20. and then is BCD mission 1-8.

1.some object not change after destroy. on mission 9 and 13 and 14.
2.the bcd mission not can by password to enter. look *\Tools\Password.eml and load the save.
3.easy mode is bel original version. hard mode is moding version.
4.the mission script copy from BEL all moding version.
5.thanks for herbert3000. supply to me moding message and some help.

to resume:
1.rename war_mp.dir to original name. for example: !WAR_MP.DIR -> WAR_MP.DIR
2.rename *\DATOS\MISIONES\MISIONES.DAT. or delete this file.

1.2009-8-26 release version1. content is bel mission 1-3.
2.2009-8-27 fix enemy is hide when the name is also.
3.2009-9-6 update all mission 1-20.
4.2009-9-7 fix the mission name id on password. (*\Tools\Password.eml)
5.2009-9-8 add all mission "mission complete" bitmaps. it is mission preview.
6.2009-11-28 fix the some issue when switchover.
    -M01: relay station's lights are flashing, escape point set.
    -M02: ladder is visible.
    -M03: fix for the damn dam from the mission reverse engineering,
          gate can be opened, red light is turned off.
    -M05: green beret can climb hill, radar is destroyable
    -M10: gate can be opened, tent added, junkers is visible
    -M13: gates can be opened.
    -M15: tram car is moving.
    -all objective hint character.
    note: The bitmaps res and fix by herbert3000. thanks you so much!
7.2009-12-19 fix the some issue.
    -M10:map display issue.
    -M13:diver can't release pontoon.
    -other 10 mission. escape point set.

8.fix m13 to take pontoon(temp)

or goto my blog:

2009-8-26 (Chinese Valentine''s Day for 2009)


Posted by: AndrewT, August 26, 2009, 8:08am; Reply: 1
nice stuff! however i hardly can wait bel and btcod on c2 O.o
Posted by: wyel2000, August 26, 2009, 8:28am; Reply: 2
the bel or bcd can playing on c2.

but conversion the sec format is perplexing. me not know use the 3dmax.
Posted by: AndrewT, August 26, 2009, 11:29am; Reply: 3
yeah, i'm just eager to see some more missions to be converted :)
Posted by: Imp, August 26, 2009, 10:38pm; Reply: 4
I love some BEL missions with BCD capabilities. Thanks.
Posted by: Silencium19, August 28, 2009, 4:53pm; Reply: 5
very nice! Good work! ^^
However, I got a question:
Whenever I steal an uniform from a tied up,normal soldier (for example with the Green Beret), he sometimes doesn't change his apperience until I steal another uniform. And also I'm full dressed like an enemy soldier, the enemy still keeps attacking me. It's like the enemy don't care if my Green Beret is dressed like a soldier or general etc...
Posted by: wyel2000, August 31, 2009, 1:26am; Reply: 6
the skill is me set. if all commandos can use the unidrom skill. game difficulty is easy.

you can enter mission1 and 2.
the driver can change to normal soldier. but skill not differed from the spy.

Posted by: Silencium19, August 31, 2009, 12:58pm; Reply: 7
Quoted Text
the driver can change to normal soldier. but skill not differed from the spy.

Since the driver can change the uniform, it would also be cool to be able to distract enemy soldiers with the driver (like the spy).
But neverless it`s cool to have another commando being able to change uniform ^^
Keep up the good work!
Posted by: wyel2000, September 6, 2009, 4:22pm; Reply: 8
2009-9-6 update all mission.

Playing_BEL_On_BCD_ALL.rar (60.8M)
Posted by: Imp, September 6, 2009, 11:29pm; Reply: 9
After clicking 'to down load page' it says: 'this file size too large, please use raysource to download'
The 'zh-cn' link also doesn't let me download. I tried that just in case...

What do we do wyel?
Posted by: wyel2000, September 7, 2009, 1:00am; Reply: 10
Quoted from Imp
After clicking 'to down load page' it says: 'this file size too large, please use raysource to download'
The 'zh-cn' link also doesn't let me download. I tried that just in case...

What do we do wyel? the "RaySource" software on doanload tool page:
2.install the "RaySource_Setup_*.*.exe" your IE and input: "To Download Page" button on goto page. "Raysource" button after wait. start your "RaySource" tool and appear info edit interface. "Start doanload" after confirm the info.

Posted by: herbert3000, September 7, 2009, 3:14am; Reply: 11
Great work! Thank you so much for your efforts!
Posted by: wyel2000, September 7, 2009, 5:08am; Reply: 12
thank. :) ^_^
expect you uptdade the new map.

2009-9-7 fix the mission name id on password.
Posted by: Imp, September 7, 2009, 7:43am; Reply: 13
I don't suppose anyone can share this file the usual way?
Posted by: wyel2000, September 7, 2009, 9:08am; Reply: 14
Quoted from Imp
I don't suppose anyone can share this file the usual way?

you can't according to the step to operate. and can't enter the game?
Posted by: Imp, September 7, 2009, 10:06am; Reply: 15
wyel, I have spent years to get IE completely off my computer. There's no chance I can install Raysource.

I have tried the trick here:
No, that does not help.

Why not put your files on Usenet? Then you can use par files as well.
Posted by: wyel2000, September 7, 2009, 10:52am; Reply: 16
if is downlaod issue. please contact your network administrator or network yielder.
i only know commandos game relational.
Posted by: Imp, September 7, 2009, 2:16pm; Reply: 17
OK. Anybody else can upload to a sharing site please?
Posted by: wyel2000, September 8, 2009, 11:19am; Reply: 18
2009-9-8 add all mission "mission complete" image. it is mission preview.
  (This res by herbert3000. thanks you so much!)
Posted by: Silencium19, September 8, 2009, 4:26pm; Reply: 19
Quoted Text
Anybody else can upload to a sharing site please?
Posted by: herbert3000, September 8, 2009, 5:44pm; Reply: 20
Quoted from Imp
Anybody else can upload to a sharing site please? (optional)
Posted by: Imp, September 8, 2009, 6:53pm; Reply: 21
Luckily I refreshed the page 20 mins ago.... Thanks VERY much for the files herbert!
Posted by: 185 (Guest), September 8, 2009, 7:34pm; Reply: 22
hmmm very good "btcod nice commandos" and "bel nice missions" :))))
Posted by: wyel2000, September 14, 2009, 4:30pm; Reply: 23
only kill a patrol for my impulse.

Posted by: 185 (Guest), September 17, 2009, 6:53pm; Reply: 24
good data ... :)
Posted by: wyel2000, September 20, 2009, 11:45am; Reply: 25
Posted by: AT22, September 22, 2009, 9:10pm; Reply: 26
Amazing stuff, thanks wyel! I've been struggling with the old BEL and its shaky performance on modern hardware, and now I can play with no hassle and at a normal speed. Awesome :)
Posted by: sabun, November 18, 2009, 12:44am; Reply: 27
Am I the only one who do not understand at all ?
Posted by: wyel2000, November 27, 2009, 6:10pm; Reply: 28
2009-11-28 fix the all issue when switchover.
    -M01: relay station's lights are flashing, escape point set.
    -M02: ladder is visible.
    -M03: fix for the damn dam from the mission reverse engineering,
          gate can be opened, red light is turned off.
    -M05: green beret can climb hill, radar is destroyable
    -M10: gate can be opened, tent added, junkers is visible
    -M13: gates can be opened.
    -M15: tram car is moving.
    -all objective hint character.
note: The bitmaps res and fix by herbert3000. thanks you so much!)
Posted by: wyel2000, December 18, 2009, 3:48pm; Reply: 29
next page.  :)
Posted by: wyel2000, December 19, 2009, 4:25am; Reply: 30
2009-12-19 Playing_BEL_On_BCD_uptate2.rar to update.
fix the some issue.
    -M10:map display issue.
    -M13:diver can't release pontoon.
    -other 10 mission. escape point set.
Posted by: Imp, December 19, 2009, 10:05am; Reply: 31
The "2009-12-19 Playing_BEL_On_BCD_uptate2.rar" is an update to the 2009-11-28 fix. Is that right?
So we will NOT need 2009-11-28 fix anymore?

So it is
1) Playing_BEL_On_BCD_ALL.rar and
2) uptate1 2009-08-09 and
3) uptate2 2009-12-19

Thank you.
Posted by: wyel2000, December 19, 2009, 10:53am; Reply: 32
Playing_BEL_On_BCD_ALL.rar + uptate2 [2009-12-19]
is ok!
Posted by: Imp, December 19, 2009, 11:19am; Reply: 33
Ah. Thanks.
Posted by: wyel2000, December 28, 2009, 6:14pm; Reply: 34

hard level,
not kill,
not being injured,
not alarm,
eliminate the all single soldier.

Posted by: wyel2000, December 29, 2009, 5:34pm; Reply: 35

BEL Christmas Mod    by herbert3000
Don't expect too much,
I took me less than two hours to make this mod.

   **    Merry Christmas!   **
   ** And a happy new year! **


23-12-09 05:13

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