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Posted by: sniper frank, November 14, 2009, 1:12pm

hi i change the soldiers and the background music on Storm The Beach... look:

when you enter on the link go to: "FREE USER"

My D-Day...
Posted by: sniper frank, November 16, 2009, 12:16am; Reply: 1
I have a question for whoever can answer .. how are added the German soldiers ?
Posted by: MoiChain, November 16, 2009, 9:36am; Reply: 2
it's in the .MIS file.

you'l find existing soldiers like this :
.TOKEN NameOfAnExistingSoldier
. POS (

You can duplicate the [...] part and change the name (.TOKEN NewNameOfTheNewSoldier), the position (.POS ..., approx 20 units~footstep)
You'll get a new soldier at the new position !
GoodLuck !
Posted by: sniper frank, November 17, 2009, 2:22am; Reply: 3
Hey MoiChain I do not understand, you can re-explain..... another think.. how i can know the position?
Posted by: MoiChain, November 17, 2009, 3:58pm; Reply: 4
If C3 works like C2 (what I think is right), then after extracting DATA.PCK with PCKManager, you should find different "mission files" in the folder DATA\MISIONES. One of them is the xxx.MIS file that contains the objects like german soldiers etc...
It's a text file and you can edit it with any text editor like Windows NotePad or another independant editor like ConText.

When you find sonething like that :

                        -3.0 -33.0 0
                    .ESC EXTERIOR
                .ANGULO 320.0
                .TOKEN ALE_GRE
                .BANDO ALEMAN
                .HTIP SOLD
                    NORMAL DIFICIL
                            .ARMA ALEMAN_FUSIL
                        .NUM_GRANADAS 0
                        .ANIMACION ALEFUS.ANI
                                .RADIO 20.0
                                .ALTURA 50.0
                        .ANIM ALEFUS.ANI
                        .RADIO 12.0
                        .ALTURA 50.0
                .TIPOCOLISION PEATON
                        .RADIO 10.0
                        .ALTURA 50.0
                    CHOC SELE VISI EJEC FLAE
                    .DIMCUADX  4.0
                    .DIMCUADY  6.0
                    .GFXCUAD CUADRIC
                                    .RADIO 10.0
                                    .ALTURA 50.0
                            .ANIM ALEFUS.ANI

Then you found a german soldier (here, it is a rifleman).
You can modify his position after .POS XYZ
or duplicate it to create a new one (you should then change at least his name after .TOKEN xxx, and the position, or you'd get 2 soldiers at the same place)
To know the position, in C2, we use a "developper version" of C2.exe. Try to find the developper/debug version of C3.
Good luck.
Posted by: sniper frank, November 17, 2009, 5:32pm; Reply: 5
tkn man you download my mission...?
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