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Posted by: Longshot, August 30, 2009, 5:10pm
Where can I get a copy of this tool?
Posted by: herbert3000, August 30, 2009, 8:50pm; Reply: 1
Posted by: Longshot, August 30, 2009, 10:35pm; Reply: 2
Thank for the quick reply. One question however. Where does the file save to?

I tried a search and couldnt find the file after I saved it.
Posted by: wyel2000, August 31, 2009, 1:15am; Reply: 3
the tool not work?
output txt not content after select the skill.

Posted by: Longshot, August 31, 2009, 1:58am; Reply: 4
Quoted from wyel2000
the tool not work?
output txt not content after select the skill.


So the tool doesn't work?...
Posted by: herbert3000, August 31, 2009, 6:25pm; Reply: 5
@Longshot: I saved CaraCreator.exe on my desktop and the output file also appears on the desktop. Try this.
@wyel2000: Is the output file empty? Note that you have to activate the commandos first (right-click on the portrait).
@all: There are some bugs (Uniform, Decoy,..) I'll try to fix them.
Posted by: Longshot, August 31, 2009, 9:23pm; Reply: 6
Hi herbert3000,

Thanks for gettng back. I was able to get the tool to work correctly.

I've made a ton of mods before by just using notepad but I'd like to start making new maps altogether, so any advise you or other may have would be great!!!
Posted by: herbert3000, September 1, 2009, 10:55am; Reply: 7
New version released (1.3):

there are still two restrictions:
1) don't give too many items to one commando
2) don't activate more than five commandos!
if there are any other bugs, please inform me. thanks.
Posted by: Longshot, September 1, 2009, 10:36pm; Reply: 8
Thanks a lot!!!

All these tools you're creating will definately make it a lot easier to make mods in the future. :)
Posted by: wyel2000, September 2, 2009, 1:25am; Reply: 9
right-click the green beret with your mouse.
start select the skill when commandos icon is high light.

Posted by: 119 (Guest), September 2, 2009, 8:15am; Reply: 10
:((((((( link not open
Posted by: 119 (Guest), September 3, 2009, 12:56pm; Reply: 11
linl death :P :P:P:P
Posted by: Longshot, September 4, 2009, 3:38am; Reply: 12
are you sure? it works for me. your have to click the 'Here' word to download the file.
Posted by: MoiChain, November 30, 2009, 10:14am; Reply: 13
Why not include the carried items ?

Exists for C2 ?
Posted by: wyel2000, November 30, 2009, 10:30am; Reply: 14
only on bel. include some bcd code
Posted by: MoiChain, November 30, 2009, 10:39am; Reply: 15
Thanks anyway
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