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Commandos HQ  /  Commandos 2  /  Translate commandos 2 to Arabic
Posted by: Faiomehdi, January 27, 2009, 4:34pm
This is my first post here...
I've played commandos 2 in French and finished it
yesterday i've been surfing in your website and i found that I can download files which contain the textes in the game
Then I thought that it would be great if I translated this game into arabic since the editors make a(very very) few games in Arabic
But the problem is that I've translated the whole mission objectives in Arabic but instead of arabic letters I get ?????????????? ??? ?????
Please help me to fix this problem and to have a correct and proper arabic text within the game...
The arabic as you might know is written right to left. like this "ليس كل ما يلمع ذهبا" this is a proverb that means that not everything shiny is gold  

Heeeeeeeeeelp please.
Posted by: Rayz, January 28, 2009, 2:38pm; Reply: 1
the game execute file comm2.exe does not contain arabic fonts file, nor chinese fonts file
some chinese develop a GSooRun.exe to add chinese characters fonts to this game so that it supports chinese characters
in my opinion, to solve ur prob, u need to write a program *.exe file...
Posted by: Faiomehdi, January 28, 2009, 3:09pm; Reply: 2
I Don't know programing  if someone could make this file that would be great
but thinks anyway
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