r0ex |
February 16, 2009, 4:47am |
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I plan to translate all the existing documents in my project into English. |
Incor |
February 16, 2009, 8:25am |
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Incor |
February 16, 2009, 12:42pm |
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to r0ex: How to help you with yours dev toolkit? And can you teach me to create the program like yours? Have you wrote the mail to pyro studios?... Sorry for my errors... my english is very bad))) |
Incor |
February 16, 2009, 12:50pm |
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r0ex: can you show me a structure of ABI file or algoritm of opening ABI file? |
r0ex |
February 17, 2009, 2:22am |
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"How to help you with yours dev toolkit?" My toolkit is built with VB.Net with a BSD license, you can download the sourcecode from my blog. Once you can modify my codes and add something new, you can contact me and send me the patch. Then I may consider to host the project on a website like Google Codes.
"And can you teach me to create the program like yours?" My toolkit is built with VB.Net, so you need to be able to use at least one of the .Net languages. I'll send you my email address. If you have any problem of all this, please contact me.
"Have you wrote the mail to pyro studios?" No. Neither do I think it's appropriate. Further more, it seems Pyro is focusing on something else.
"can you show me a structure of ABI file or algoritm of opening ABI file?" The structure of ABI file is specified in "Src\Doc\Comm2_ABI.zh.htm" in my toolkit source package. It's in Chinese and is what I'm translating. Its code is at "Src\FileSystem\Comm2\ABI.vb", which need further work. |
Incor |
February 18, 2009, 8:18pm |
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Thanks a lot for your help!!!))) I'll try to do my best in developing new things in old but greatest game ever created!)))) Lets create one project which will consist of our all ideas and yours (r0ex) research and work... The Destination Paris project was good incitement to create something own and new. What do you think? |
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wyel2000 |
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Boys help: In any way can not activate the ax of co-ordinates Z (to lift some picture up (2D))!!!! [ .TOKEN * .POS [ .XYZ ( -133.57 -305.0 290.0 ) .ESC EXTERIOR ] .BANDO NEUTRAL .ANIMADOR ( Animador2d [ .VOL ( Cilindro [ .RADIO 10.0 .ALTURA 290.0 ] ) .ANI *.an2 ] ) .ANGULO 0 .LISTAS ( CHOC FLAS EJEC ) ] somewhere I could do it a year ago (before my HDD broke). Can not guess now - tried almost everything!! Remember that I script one line and everything work. Will expect reviews!!!! |
wyel2000 |
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Boys help: In any way can not activate the ax of co-ordinates Z (to lift some picture up (2D))!!!! somewhere I could do it a year ago (before my HDD broke). Can not guess now - tried almost everything!! Remember that I script one line and everything work. Will expect reviews!!!!
you can reference following code: .ANIMADOR ( AnimadorSimple#3D. load *.ani->*.abi [ .VOL ( Cilindro [ .RADIO 20.0 .ALTURA 30.0 ] ) .ANIM CAJAMETALICA.ANI #box ] ) -------------------------------------------------------- .ANIMADOR ( Animador2d #2D. load *.an2->*.grl [ .VOL ( Cilindro [ .RADIO 20.0 .ALTURA 30.0 ] ) .ANI TABACO.AN2 #tobacco ] ) by the way: all the items is 3d on c3. |
Incor |
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 .ANIMADOR ( Animador2d #2D. load *.an2->*.grl [ .VOL ( Cilindro [ .RADIO 20.0 .ALTURA 30.0 ] ) .ANI TABACO.AN2 #tobacco ] ) It's only specifies on visualization of object (3D or 2D object) I need to activate Z-coordinate!!!! |
wyel2000 |
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o. i'm sorry. i don't know。:)
but if the Z-coordinate without high.the default coordinate is 0.0 |
Incor |
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 it is more difficult method, but main is a result... who will interest - will explain ( probably you guessed how to do it) |
wyel2000 |
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The grl and .CHUMINADAS is c3 code. but me not test on c2. or use other code. only replace the .an2->.grl
Banderaslocomotora.grl Banderast.grl Banderasvagonacorazado.grl Banderasvagondelestado.grl Banderasvagondelestado2.grl
[ .MUNDO [ .CHUMINADAS ( ( ANIM_2D #c3_oriflamme [ .CORRIGE_ALTURA 0 .XYZ ( 2250.0 1444.0 178.0 ) .ESC EXTERIOR .ANG 0 .FRAMEINICIAL 5.0 .RADIO 91.0 .ALTURA 37.0 .AN2 Banderaslocomotora.grl .SECUENCIA BASE .DE_TREN 1.0 ] ) ( ANIM_SIMPLE #c3_wire [ .XYZ ( -383.0 -78.0 145.0 ) .ESC EXTERIOR .ABI GANCHOGRUAPT.ABI .SECUENCIA TAMBALEANDOSE .ANG 18.0 .RADIO 24.0 .ALTURA 228.0 .FRAMEINICIAL 0 .SOMBRA SINSOMBRA ] ) ( CAIDITA_AGUA #c3_rain water [ .POS ( -221.8 173.6 260.3 ) .ESC EXTERIOR .DENSIDAD 480.0 .DURACION 50.0 .COLOR_INICILAL ( 160.0 140.0 100.0 ) .COLOR_FINAL ( 255.0 255.0 255.0 ) ] ) ( DUCHA #c2_swab down [ .POS ( -101.0 -16.0 75.0 ) .ESC SBE08 ] ) ( ANIM_2D #c2_seaweed [ .XYZ ( 182.0 -1168.0 -154.0 ) .ESC MAR_IS33 .ANG 0 .FRAMEINICIAL 0 .RADIO 11.0 .ALTURA 78.0 .AN2 ALGAS_B.AN2 ] ) ) ] ]
you too the means? |
Incor |
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It' doesn't work! Or I making errors |