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Posted by: r0ex, July 29, 2007, 1:43pm
[Playing C3 on C2] Tutorial 1, 2 Combined Mod Mission
by wyel2000 (this text is translated by Rex)

If you are using v1.34(DP), you should overrides existed "DATA\" with what's in the "V1.34 ***\". If you are using v1.20, overrides existed "DATA\" with what's in the "V1.34 ***\" first, and then "V1.20\".

1. 3 commandos will show up, in different scenes. They can get together, but it's hard.
2. Added tens of enemies.
3. Almost every kinds of Japanese soldiers show up, including seamen.
4. ?
Although there are no triggers, the enemies are not easy to deal with.
Modifying triggers and some intersting actions cost time, and I was a little tired. I am doing this these days, so I just publish some fresh.
When there are more good ideas and scripts, I will modify it greatly.

Known problems:
1. There are some pictures with some purple objects. It's caused by the toolkit with the uncompleted cracked MBI format.
2. Some blindages are transparent, but they do not affect much.
These two will not affect the game playing and will bring us joy. Enjoy.
(use the link in the page with the form of

The CommDevToolkit is made by Rex, more info, tools, visit

This post is originally posted at this site in Chinese along with several images:

Posted by: Rayz, August 3, 2007, 6:23am; Reply: 1
zis forum is really cold as cga fourm....
perhaps zey do not have so much time....

i'm qq278922865... ;D
Posted by: mac402, October 22, 2008, 6:46pm; Reply: 2
Hmm... it works :) but is C3 this difficult or did you make changes to the original. If so it would be better to import vanilla C3 missions and these insanely difficult could be bonus material or something. The difficulty select button doesn't change anything. Aside from that it seems to have some bugs (other than graphical of course), only tried the 1st mission from C3 right now and what I found was:

- the allied soldiers don't have guns on them
- the GB is supposed to hide in the truck, but instead he's hiding in the field in crawl position, the spy is on the verge of the map and can't be contacted, and the thief is nowhere to be found
- sometimes quicksaves get corrupted
Posted by: wyel2000, October 27, 2008, 5:35am; Reply: 3
Quoted from mac402
Hmm... it works :) but is C3 this difficult or did you make changes to the original. If so it would be better to import vanilla C3 missions and these insanely difficult could be bonus material or something. The difficulty select button doesn't change anything. Aside from that it seems to have some bugs (other than graphical of course), only tried the 1st mission from C3 right now and what I found was:

- the allied soldiers don't have guns on them
- the GB is supposed to hide in the truck, but instead he's hiding in the field in crawl position, the spy is on the verge of the map and can't be contacted, and the thief is nowhere to be found
- sometimes quicksaves get corrupted

Posted by: AndrewT, November 30, 2008, 3:18pm; Reply: 4
hi there
awesome achievements!  :o
a few questions about it:
- what about the resolution? the screenshots are low res, but i guess the c2 engine allows high res?
- is it possible to import the awesome looking weather "layers" from c3, like haze, fog, rain and snow?
- are we able to play those c3 missions in cooperative multi? i am sick of the c3 deathmatch and collect the fglag, while landing in normandy with the greenberet and 8 allied soldiers controlled by more players could be awesome!
best regards!
Posted by: wyel2000, December 3, 2008, 11:41am; Reply: 5
the c3 engine mission vision effect and fog weather me is powerless??
waiting your to resolve......

c3 normandy is my design.use the allied soldiers is easy.

:P :P :P

Posted by: AndrewT, December 3, 2008, 10:16pm; Reply: 6
hi there
i downloaded the mod and tried it out
i pretty much like to play commandos3 missions under commandos2 engines, however there would be many things to fix. i checked all the missions, and these are my experiences:
- soldiers and objects are visible through walls (it feels like as the scenery would be only a plain 2d picture, but of course its not, with comm2debug.exe it's clear))
- water is missing from the 2 normandy missions
- strange black screen around the train in the get to tge engine mission, absolutley no terrain
- almost black terrain in the infiltrate the station mission
- no guns for allied soldiers in forbach for the ambush, greenberet, spy and thief seem to be selectable, although they are inside the trucks as it was mentioned before
- can't move with allied soldiers in omaha, they are stand up and crawl, but they won't move
- the campaign briefing will be played at the beginning of almost every mission in the particular campaign
- some ingame music doesn't loop perfectly, others sound rasp
- there is a lieutenant in stop bomb deployment mission, stationed near the railwaycross, he looks like break dancing, continually repeating death animations. there is an proning allied soldier in omaha with similar "behaviour".
- in the kill the traitor mission it's impossible to leave the starting floor where 3 german soldiers are stationed. the door left from the greenberets strating room is locked, and noone has a lockpick (nor the ability), the other door is impassable, although it's flashing when objects view is pressed, but you can't use it

i don't know if these stuffs are fixable or not, but i really enjoyed looking at these maps in 1024x768, so i really want to say thank you for all this stuff, and that it can be better in the future.

and another thing: i'm afraid that the english language based modding knowledge of the commandos series lags behind the chinese community. i usually discover links to chinese forums, but can't figure out what are they about. so what are the latest achivements? what can we expect, what is possible with commandos games? for example how are the c3 abi files decoding proceeding?

best regards
Posted by: wyel2000, December 8, 2008, 6:18am; Reply: 7
the modding language all is english, me write is difficile.
waiting all commando fans to perfect.
Posted by: AndrewT, December 8, 2008, 8:54am; Reply: 8
is there a site where you guys post lastest news and screenshots from the modding process and average users can have an insight how far did you proceed with it?
Posted by: wyel2000, December 8, 2008, 9:36am; Reply: 9
DevToolkit author

my blog

other links:


cga forum

Posted by: AndrewT, December 8, 2008, 12:01pm; Reply: 10
sweeeeet, thanks!
i'm gonna browse them, hopefully the screenshots will "tell" me what are the topics about :) thanks again, useful sites!
Posted by: Rayz, December 18, 2008, 12:47am; Reply: 11
in winter vacation, via my msn orayzo[at]gmail[dot]com
il transport them to u
Posted by: Rayz, December 18, 2008, 12:48am; Reply: 12
or mail u
u kan also mail me :)
Posted by: Coagent, December 28, 2008, 7:51am; Reply: 13
hi can u plz help me to create a commandos 2 maps for death match in commandos 3....
Posted by: wyel2000, December 28, 2008, 3:41pm; Reply: 14
waiting all commando fans to perfect..............
Posted by: AndrewT, January 8, 2009, 1:00pm; Reply: 15
does the c2 engine allow to view the subtitles during the speaking scenes as seen in c3? for example as heard in the tutorial1, like "if we get rid of the commanding officers, the rest will not be able to offer any resistance. first we have to elliminate these two without making any noise. i can climb through the wire to the other side..." etc etc
Posted by: wyel2000, January 8, 2009, 6:03pm; Reply: 16
Quoted from AndrewT
does the c2 engine allow to view the subtitles during the speaking scenes as seen in c3? for example as heard in the tutorial1, like "if we get rid of the commanding officers, the rest will not be able to offer any resistance. first we have to elliminate these two without making any noise. i can climb through the wire to the other side..." etc etc


Posted by: wyel2000, January 8, 2009, 6:03pm; Reply: 17
Posted by: Faiomehdi, January 31, 2009, 12:34pm; Reply: 18
Where can we download this Mod?
I want to play the commandos 3 missions with commandos 2 style
please give a link
Posted by: Rayz, January 31, 2009, 1:04pm; Reply: 19
1.install 3CD commandos 2 v1.00        
2.V1.34 patch mission c3 on c2:
after above 4 steps, u will get 50 missions
if links go dead, download the patched full game(neednt install v1.00 first, include both english and simpchinese, without english subline):
big file, install Raysource client and click [Download1 (For RaySource)] in the above page
screenshots(they got shot in chinese, but do have english):

Posted by: Faiomehdi, January 31, 2009, 3:11pm; Reply: 20
Thanks a lot for your attention I just need the C3 files but when I click on the 1 part of c3 parts the website where you have updated the files  says that you have (rays) exceeded your bandwith please try later
if this issue will  be fixed later  then It's Ok
If not please upload them in other site like megaupload
I hope I'm not bothering you with my requests
and see ya
Posted by: Rayz, January 31, 2009, 4:19pm; Reply: 21
it's not i who upload them...
yesterday i tried, also [exceeded bandwith]
and it takes forever to upload them to foreign sites :(
time to sleep :)
post at 2009.02.01 00:19
Posted by: neonfish, April 22, 2009, 10:14pm; Reply: 22
Posted by: AndrewT, April 23, 2009, 10:55am; Reply: 23
Quoted from neonfish

have just uploaded to a mirror the ported commandos3 missions (parts and links are/were interchangable with the previous upload):
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