Sgt.Schnitzel |
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Hey guys im creating a japanese version of the Mission "Das boot silent killers". I want to replace all of the german soldiers with japanese soldiers (and vehicles of course). That I know how to do. But what I don't know is how to change the enemy's side so that the game thinks im fighting the japanese army instead of the german army so that they will speak in japanese instead of German. Im going to host it aswell.
So can anyone help me?
btw: special thanks to [GMC]-GoA-{Phantom} for the C2 modding kit. The codes you included are very usefull. Its better than having to pull out the definitions of the .mac files. Thank you very much for taking the time to put this kit together.
EDIT: okay I figured it out and my mod is almost finished. ive had alot of trouble however inserting my mod as separate mission. if anyone knows any tips on how to add indvividual missions, please tell me. screenshots will follow soon. |
Sgt.Schnitzel |
January 15, 2008, 11:45pm |
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Sgt.Schnitzel |
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Edit: removed, new link at bottom. |
wyel2000 |
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Sgt.Schnitzel |
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Hmm. so someone did make a similair map but i'm still going to stick to my own version, Anyways do you know how to insert the mission as separate one in the game menu? |
wyel2000 |
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Me expect your version. The add a new mission on menu means: precondition: all mission files run is OK. for example: [DAS BOOT, SILENT KILLERS] 1. After run, the all files name is MANUAL_LIBRETA_SB.MSB -> MANUAL_LIBRETA_TU01.MSB SB.BAS -> TU01.BAS SB.GSC -> TU01.GSC SB.MIS -> TU01.MIS SB.STR -> TU01.STR SB.TXT -> TU01.TXT PGR_SB.MSB -> PGR_SB.MSB 2. Edit TU01.MIS, replace: MANUAL_LIBRETA_SB.MSB -> MANUAL_LIBRETA_TU01.MSB SB.BAS -> TU01.BAS SB.GSC -> TU01.GSC SB.STR -> TU01.STR 3. Edit \DATA\MISIONES\MISIONES.DAT ( ........ #add [ .DIR SB #MIS folder name .MIS TU01 #.MIS name .HTIT MOD1 #goto \DATA\STR\GLOBAL.STR .FICHERO_PROGRESO PGR_SB.MSB #start image name .CLAVE_FACIL 11111 #key1 .CLAVE_NORMAL 22222 #key2 .CLAVE_DIFICIL 33333 #key3 .TIPO_MISION PRINCIPAL #mission type£»TUTORIAL/PRINCIPAL/CHICHINABO .CONCEPTOS_PUNTUA 255 #goto .TIPO_MISION£¬227/255, If ".TIPO_MISION != PRINCIPAL", del this item. .ALIADOS ( RATERO COMANDO LANCHERO ESPIA ARTIFICIERO ) #MULTIPLE mode, commandos select icon, this mission is #8.#1.#3.#6.#4 ] ) 4. Edit \DATA\MISIONES\MISIONESRED.DAT ( .......... #add [ .MIS TU01 #.MIS name .HTIT MOD1 #goto \DATA\STR\GLOBAL.STR .TIPO COOPERATIVA #need .CAMPAIGN TU01 #.MIS name .DIR SB #MIS folder name ] 5. Edit \DATA\STR\GLOBAL.STR ...... #add MOD1 MOD MISSION NAME #ON MISSION SELECT MENU 6. Saved all files, run comm2.exe, input key 33333 enter to the mod mission! If you can read chinese, please goto http://hi.baidu.com/wyel2000/album/Playingc3onc2http://bbs.cga.com.cn/BBS_content/65/2007/9/2/939824.asp?tid=939824 The all mission can run. excuse, my english is not good. :B ”” |
Sgt.Schnitzel |
January 28, 2008, 12:37pm |
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Why thank you! When I get back from college today i'll be sure to try this out! |
Sgt.Schnitzel |
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So I guess you need to replace missions instead of inserting new entires, well i updated my file and I will release it again soon, thanks! |
wyel2000 |
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Sgt.Schnitzel |
January 30, 2008, 11:55pm |
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Ok I see but why must it be named TU01? It can't be named to anything else? I tried Naming it to something else and the game wouldn't function properly after that. So we can only name new missions to TU01, TU02, BU, KW, . . . . . ? |
wyel2000 |
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Sgt.Schnitzel |
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Hmm I see so each "DIR" can use any of the 21 mission names, lets see there are 20 DIR and 21 mission names then 20x21 ~=~ 420 missions! (that is an approximation. So I guess you can only use any of th 21 mission names then.
Well my new version should be ready soon. |
Sgt.Schnitzel |
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wyel2000 |
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Sgt.Schnitzel |
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I looked at your files, and we both have the same number of files in our mods, kinda funny but I did not copy your idea just to clear that out (seriously I did not, I had no idea you where developing one like mine). I will give your version a try though.
I'm also going to change all of the enemies from Haiphong map from Japanese to Germans! Its going to take some time though!
Thanks for your support.
wyel2000 |
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I not propose release, only example.
Don't mention it. we study together! ;D
Sgt.Schnitzel |
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Sure thing mate, i've started working on my new map, if you have or want any suggestions plz tell me or if you want to disscuss new ideas for other projects please don't hesitate! My new map might be ready by today. not sure though. ;D |
GMC.Phantom |
February 7, 2008, 11:23am |
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wyel2000, I want to ask you: the screenshots on this page http://hi.baidu.com/wyel2000/blog/item/914c30fa9435271da9d3115e.html refer to a new mod still in progress or is it available somewhere for download? I mean that there are 2 files to download from there, only problem is the first file doesn't work as it should, so I wanted to know if the second file is a fix and actually unlocks the missions we see in the screens or what? |
Rayz |
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wyel2000, I want to ask you: the screenshots on this page http://hi.baidu.com/wyel2000/blog/item/914c30fa9435271da9d3115e.html refer to a new mod still in progress or is it available somewhere for download? I mean that there are 2 files to download from there, only problem is the first file doesn't work as it should, so I wanted to know if the second file is a fix and actually unlocks the missions we see in the screens or what?
im a chinese as well as wyel2k...let me try to help u though my english is poor... ze screenshots on that page are from some edited missions...some people edited ze original missions. not a new mod (i think) the first file is for updating gamedata...the second file is texts to help u use this patch, mission introduction, how to turn these mission into chinese... zat comment translate: 2008-02-04 22:34 so far all missions of cII, if u have installed all patches, there should be 46 missions(can play) in the mission list.(former 10 missions, hidden 9 missions, Tour train 2 missions, cII plus mission: (C1~C5, F1~F6, hidden 10, N1~N3 cIII plus mission(convertered into cII format): (Stalin 3 missions, Normandy 3 missions, mid-europe 3, train 1 ive contacted wyel2000... |
wyel2000 |
February 11, 2008, 2:20pm |
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Rayz |
February 11, 2008, 3:04pm |
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cool pics...thus we'll not have language problems...^^ |
wyel2000 |
February 14, 2008, 2:07pm |
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GMC.Phantom |
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Great! this is a good thing. Hacking into the engine is proving effective. Slow but efficient :) |
Faiomehdi |
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From these pictures I see that the chineese character are shown without any problem in the game I want to translate the Mod destination Paris into Arabic But when I translate the 1st training mission I get in the game ????? ????? ?? How did you managed to show the chineese characters correctly because I want to do the same for Arabic
Please help me |
Rayz |
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the translation contains the text part and the pic part text part use GSooRun.exe, too |
Faiomehdi |
January 29, 2009, 12:27pm |
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Can you give me the GSooRun.exe and other files like gsoorunkernel.dll because when I want to download them my Antivirus says that it contains a virus I want to see if that thing works for the Arabic as well. |
Rayz |
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Faiomehdi |
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thanks a lot of your well aptitude... I'm so greatful. |
Faiomehdi |
January 29, 2009, 10:38pm |
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after I've downloaded the Gsoo pack an add an Arabic text I get this : the chineese characters are shown correctly but arabic ones still show as ??? ?? ???? I think, I must add some Arabic fonts (notice that arabic is written for right to left) but I don't know how exactly Thanks for helping |
Rayz |
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it has font file...but i dont know if one font file added it will work |
Faiomehdi |
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So, as a conclusion it's impossible to translate to Arabic unless Pyro release a modding tools that included the language translations and other files too... It's so hard to assume that unfortunate truth |
Rayz |
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Incor |
February 11, 2009, 4:02pm |
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without .ma2 (layers) its look badly((( we must create ma2 editor (like plugin for Photoshop) |