Haart |
November 30, 2009, 7:47pm |
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Hi to All! This is the third map from my mod "Operation 'DEATH HAND'". This map is fully completed and was tested & traversed by me. To install, unzip the archive to your C2 game folder Note that after installation all your profiles will be deleted. So make a backup of your OUTPUT folder. If you use the "Destination Paris" mod make a backup of DATA folder too. Some features: - Increased Difficulty. You will have to think over every your step or you will be dead. - 4 new enemies from C3 (Will be seen during the gameplay). - Some new sounds. - All your men (excepting THIEF) can throw grenades (Hotkey "B"). - New storyline with new objectives. * - Some enemies are more dangerous than before. - Some new designations for the enemies. - Some skins from C3 - Interface "CUADPERR" has been extended to 4x4 cells. - And so on... * The whole storyline is ready and will be fully revealed in the previous maps (this is the 3rd map). So you will be unable to understand what is going on in this mission (I'm sorry)... Recommended difficulty - Very HardI will be glad to get some criticism, suggestions, etc... Have fun... Screenshots: Download: http://www.megaupload.com/?d=92LTEHQWor http://depositfiles.com/files/nzzzen6vr |
MoiChain |
November 30, 2009, 9:57pm |
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MoiChain |
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Great job ! Nice Action map ! Lots of ennemies to deal with ! Nice invasion.
a few things I see ... -Obtaining the key is not compulsary as the thief can jump in the house through the windows. You could forbid this ability or change the objective for a simple clue. - Commandos can drive the jeeps. Ok the thief may be a kid, but Jack is supposed to know how to drive a car ! - Invasion trucks are impossible to drive. Is there a german driver remainig in there ? Even the Driver can't move them... - I would have been very happy to be able to stab the dog !
Again, very nice job ! Thx . |
Haart |
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Quoted Text
a few things I see ... -Obtaining the key is not compulsary as the thief can jump in the house through the windows. You could forbid this ability or change the objective for a simple clue. - Commandos can drive the jeeps. Ok the thief may be a kid, but Jack is supposed to know how to drive a car ! - Invasion trucks are impossible to drive. Is there a german driver remainig in there ? Even the Driver can't move them... - I would have been very happy to be able to stab the dog !
1. I forgot to delete the code that allows to thief to transfer through the windows: ( AUColarsePorTransfer [ ] ) It even was marked by me in .mis file. I will fix it. 2. I deleted the ability to drive jeep at early stage of development just for test. I will fix it too. 3. The trucks cannot be driven because they are "vehicles on railes". They are equal to enemy armed tanks. 4. It is impossible to stab the dog, but you can poison it. |
MoiChain |
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Great success for your mod in the french community. Watch my friend LeDuke did :  |
MoiChain |
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I did so too about the thief on the same map ;-) ! too easy with the jump through the windows.
? Must a vehicle be on railes to be moved by ennemies ? What about the CANION_METRALLETA ? I would like it to alternate its angle of view, to make like a scan. The GESTOR MOVIMIENTO of its driver doesn't do it. Have an idea ? Railes (like the FOCORAIL) ?
Congratulations again. Your mod is very well finished. Don't look at my code, it's awfull ...
Haart |
December 2, 2009, 11:00am |
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I'm glad that somebody like it. Thanks.
See the "Editing the Rails" tutorial by [GMC]-GoA-{Phantom} |
MoiChain |
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Haart |
December 4, 2009, 11:52am |
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There will be 5-6 missions (including 1-2 maps from C3 with masks (.ma2 file)) united with one storyline. Now I'm working on map 1 and intro mission (without action). I will upload it (and other missions) as soon as they will be fully completed and tested.
Cool ambush at the upper image. I thought that someone will use barrels against an enemies (e.g. against SS) but i never imagined that it would be these soldiers on march. |
MoiChain |
December 4, 2009, 12:55pm |
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Do you already have the masks for C3 maps ? I would also be happy to offer C3 maps playable in C2, but I still have this display problem, without the masks ... |
Haart |
December 4, 2009, 10:29pm |
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I've only created a couple of masks for two object just to understand the basic principals. It's very hard and damn work. |
wyel2000 |
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very nice mod. good work!!! me advice: 1.MANUAL_LIBRETA_TU02.MSB have issue. anto exit when view. add the code. for example: .INFOVISORPRINCIPAL [***] 2.code format can to standardization. 3.the cargadorbazoka 1 to 3. if the all detonate is failing. can't pass the mission. please reference. thx.  |
MoiChain |
December 5, 2009, 10:19am |
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Is it possible to get these masks from C3 and convert them ? Or is it compulsory to recreate from scratch ? Where could I find useful information about their format ? I could work on some of them too ... |
wyel2000 |
December 5, 2009, 11:37am |
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Haart |
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Is it possible to get these masks from C3 and convert them ? Or is it compulsory to recreate from scratch ? Where could I find useful information about their format ? I could work on some of them too ...
Image convertor from CommsDevToolkit (2009.11.02) can allow to create new .ma2 file. You can extract images and description from *.ma2 and edit them. The process of creating a mask (note that my technology can be wrong) :  After creating the mask you must specify its coordinates in the description. |
Haart |
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very nice mod. good work!!!
me advice: 1.MANUAL_LIBRETA_TU02.MSB have issue. anto exit when view. add the code. for example: .INFOVISORPRINCIPAL [***] 2.code format can to standardization. 3.the cargadorbazoka 1 to 3. if the all detonate is failing. can't pass the mission.
No problem. I will fix all these elements in the future release, but where i can find the information about 2
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your moding me share on our bbs. http://tieba.baidu.com/f?kz=677674980ok? or else me to delete...
OK of course. |
MoiChain |
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Thank you Haart. As a professionnal "Photoshoper" (retouching on Photoshop is my job), I'll try to work on these masks. I may let you or Wyel2000 insert them in the game. I think the hard part is to create them from the bmp we extract from the Y64. Tell me if you already did some, so that I don't work on the same as you ...
wyel2000 |
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me like the format from pyro release. favourable to look and analyse the content. too need fix the format when me conversion the "Destination Paris" code to c3. you can look my code. the format is same. for example: bracket and spaces. etc...
all the is a reference. hehehe
:) |
wyel2000 |
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Haart |
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Interesting video. I understood that most people prefer to block the tanks with the help of vehicles.
Why the commandos avatars are represented not by *.abi but static pictures from GRL. Is it console interface or it's mod?
The enemy general and his assistant do not leave the kubelwagen. Is it a bug? |
Haart |
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Thank you Haart. As a professionnal "Photoshoper" (retouching on Photoshop is my job), I'll try to work on these masks. I may let you or Wyel2000 insert them in the game. I think the hard part is to create them from the bmp we extract from the Y64. Tell me if you already did some, so that I don't work on the same as you ...
I've created 2 clumsy test masks which do not have any value. So you may consider that my progress in that = 0. It would be cool if you will create the new masks, but before doing something it would be better to contact Incor and Rex (a guy who created this toolkit) to get more information about *.ma2, because there may be some additional features that you must take into account while creating *.ma2. I think these guys really know all about it (e.g. See "Creating a new *.y64" theme). Besides Wyel2000 promised the update for "Playing C3 on C2". So may be he already has all masks done. : ) |
Haart |
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My attempt of creating paratrooper officer from C3. Test variant.   |
wyel2000 |
December 6, 2009, 10:18am |
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the *.abi me to replace.i'm sorry! rar file is big not expedience share in network. and the some *.abi is use on all system. you not change the .ani name. The enemy general and his assistant do not leave the kubelwagen. Is it a bug? me can look the general and his assistant exit kubel. but the video is quick not see. http://keep4u.ru/imgs/b/2009/12/06/1e/1e93a3c9f7f64ca787a4586f9441a31e.jpgthis image is you edit. or read the .abi file? thanks. |
Haart |
December 6, 2009, 11:00am |
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the *.abi me to replace.i'm sorry! rar file is big not expedience share in network. and the some *.abi is use on all system. you not change the .ani name.
The enemy general and his assistant do not leave the kubelwagen. Is it a bug? me can look the general and his assistant exit kubel. but the video is quick not see..
OK. No problem.
Quoted Text
This is an edited model of japanese admiral. I've created a new texture and then edited the abi file. The picture above is a group of screenshots of that abi opened in "C2 abi viewer" by NeoRAGEx2002. Later i want to add the boots and redraw some element of this texture. |
wyel2000 |
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ok. waiting your release! |
r0ex |
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The MA2 mainly consists of ObjectInfoBlocks and RenderInfoBlocks. The ObjectInfoBlock controls where you activate a mask. It's described with a polygon and its vertices. A ObjectInfoBlock corresponds to one or more masks for each view (4 views in total). The RenderInfoBlock controls the mask itself. You need to specify it's corresponding object and it's coordinates in the view. The current extracted xmls and images contains all the information in the MA2 format. About the MA2 format, you can try for Src\Doc\ToTranslate\Comm2_MA2.zh.htm in the toolkit, but it's not translated and only names are English.
C3 use another method to implement this. They move the data to Y64, and there are only one mask for each view. It's integrated. It also support Alpha blending, while C2 only support 3 alpha level: 0, 0.5, 1. But, we have not been able to decode these data. |
rafal_united |
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I've just started to play this mission, it's great! Just for idea of putting Duke and Fins dead... You added some realism into a game... I can't wait for the other missions from You. Even now I can say they all will be great! |
Haart |
December 10, 2009, 10:49am |
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I've just started to play this mission, it's great! Just for idea of putting Duke and Fins dead... You added some realism into a game... I can't wait for the other missions from You. Even now I can say they all will be great!
Thank you! I Will try to justify your expectations. |
Haart |
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Some enemies that will be added in the future missions: 1. Gestapo (the most dangerous).  2. Paratroopers.  3. SS with gun  4. In game (I'm sorry for this poor screenshot).  |
wyel2000 |
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AndrewT |
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