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Commandos HQ    Commandos Series    Modding & Mods  ›  C3: SDKFZ-251 Half-Track Problem

C3: SDKFZ-251 Half-Track Problem Print
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February 22, 2007, 4:45am Report to Moderator
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Hello everyone im new here.

I need some help with a vehicle in C3. Its the German half track, as the title says.

I managed to insert a drivable version on a map using this entity script.

Token SDK
PosMundo [ .XYZ ( -250.0 -300.0 0 ) .ESC EXTERIOR ]

My commandos can use it and drive around in it, they board it from the behind and you can see the doors open up.

This is my problem

When i tell the sapper to enter the Half-track after I place another comando in the driver's seat, he enters from behind and takes hold of the mg on top, but he cant use it, the firing icon doesnt appear (you know the little binoclular icon).

does anyone have a solution to this problem, that can allow the sapper to use the mg?

thnx for your help.
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February 24, 2007, 11:13am Report to Moderator
'Sex ist eine Schlacht Liebe ist Krieg' -Rammstein
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try checking the scripts of the other vehicles with turrets and see if those work, if they do, you should try checking the difference in the scripts and study why your vehicle doesn't allow firing cannons.
If the problem is in the script you will fix it easily, if it's an unfinished script (Pyro's laziness or who knows what else) you can do nothing about it..
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February 25, 2007, 6:55pm Report to Moderator
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Right, thanks for the help Phantom, ill try checking the scripts and report back if any progress is made. Im sure this information will be usefull to to other modders as well.
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Commandos HQ    Commandos Series    Modding & Mods  ›  C3: SDKFZ-251 Half-Track Problem

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