MoiChain |
February 15, 2007, 12:57pm |
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Hi EveryBody,
Many thanks for the codes. I'm now able to change many objects and characters on the maps. Modding now seems so simple to me ... ... except ... Commandos abilities.
As a start, I'm trying to change the thief abilities in the first training mission. My objectives are : 1. Knock -> Unable 2. Distract Germans -> Able. 3. Use Poison -> Able.
For the 1. I found and cut these lines in the .mis : ( AUAtontar [ ] ) It's half a succes as the thief is now unable to obey at a Knock command when it is pointed on an ennemy, but the command is still available in the interface and the thief will respond by a movement when pointed on an empty place on the ground.
QUESTION : Does anyone know how if there is anything else to do to make the comand disappear from the interface ?
For the 2. I found these lines from the spy code and inserted to the thief code in the .mis : ( AUDistraerAleman [ ] ) I put an officer uniform in the thief's bag. But there were no effect. No new command even appeared in the interface. The thief cannot wear the uniform nor distract anyone (even me)
QUESTIONs : Was this useful ? Is there anything else to do to add the Distract command for the thief ?
For the 3. I found these lines from the spy code and inserted to the thief code in the .mis : ( AUUsarJeringuilla [ ] ) I put the syringe in his bag. Same. No effect. The command didn't appear.
LAST QUESTION : - You guess - What to do ?
Thanks in adavnce to any helper ... |
MoiChain |
February 20, 2007, 10:57pm |
Posts: 75
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Time Online: 15 hours 36 minutes
Ok. I finally found for this. Thx for the tutorials.
I now wonder how to make the uniforms disappear when stabbed or damage by bullet. I found the MINRETALESUNIFORME value, but it doesn't seem to change anything, even following the value (10) of the tutorial by [GMC]-GoA-{Phantom}. Would there be anything else to change with it ?
See you on the forums ... Mc |
GMC.Phantom |
February 24, 2007, 11:16am |
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Gen |
December 15, 2007, 7:45pm |
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i'm new in modding C2, and i have a question...how do i give my thief the ability to rope and gag the enemies i knock down?
thx in advance |
GMC.Phantom |
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there is a script you have to put in his code, look in the tutorials I put online. It's explained there. |
mac402 |
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I was wondering is there a reference list to commandos' abilities somewhere, it's not in the tutorial package nor in the forum so maybe someone would like to participate in making one. I found out most of it, still don't know a few things though. If anybony has a knowledge that would fill these gaps please shere it. OK, so here is the list of what abilities do what stuff.
Quoted Text
Commandos abilities (listed under .COMPORTAMIENTO(ComporUsuario[.ACCIONES()])
ex. (AbilityName[optional flags])
Common actions
AUInteractuar #interact AUGoTo #go to AUSoltarBicho #drop AUCoger #take AUExaminar #examine
AUCambiarPostura #change position (crawl/stand)
AUSaltarPorTransfer #able to jump from ladder,rope etc. .CABLE 0 #cable .CANALON 0 #gutter .CALLE 0 #street .FACHADA 0 #facade .ESCALA 1.0 #ladder .GANCHO 1.0 #hook (rope) AUUsarTransfer #use transfer method AUMirarPorTransfer #look for transfer method .CABLE 0 .CANALON 0 .CALLE 0 .FACHADA 0 .ESCALA 1.0 .GANCHO 1.0
AUUsarVehiculo #vehicle use (listed under .PUEDE_CONDUCIR) .PUEDE_DISPARAR 1.0 #can fire its guns (sapper has it)
AUUsarEscala #ladder use AUUsarAscensor #elevator use AUUsarGarfio #rope use
AUDetenido #detain AULlevarMuerto #carry dead bodies .ARRASTRAR 1.0 #drag AUEsconderse #hide bodies
AUAbrirPuertaInterior #open door AUAbrirPuertaConLlave #open door with key AUIrPegaoAPared #stick to the wall AUGolpearPared #knock on wall AUUsarRadio #use radio AUUsarInterruptor #use switch
AULiberarChusma #release rabble
AUNadar #swiming AUBucear #diving
AUAtontar #stunning with blow (with bottle if USANDO_BOTELLAS 1.0) AUDeslumbrar #dazzle AUAmordazar #gag (the thief and the seductress do not have this)
AUApostarse #autonomous fire with ranges .VIGILADOR .LONG_CORTA 200.0 .LONG_NORMAL 400.0 .LONG_LARGA 600.0
AULlevarWhisky #carry Whisky
Item Use
AUUsarTenazas #use tongs (wire cutter) AUPrismaticos #use binoculars AUPonerSenuelo #put decoy AUManejarSenuelo #handle decoy (on/off) AULanzarTabaco #throw cigarettes AUComidaPerro #throw dog food AUUsarBotella #throw bottle AUNarcotizar #narcotize food/drink with sleeping pills AUPonerseTraje #put on costume AUUsarBotiquin #use medkit AUSilbato #use dog whistle AUSoltarEscalaEnrollable #drop rope ladder
Weapon Use
AUDispararArma #pistol AUDispararMetralleta #SMG AUDispararRifleCorto #rifle
AUEscalar #climbing AUColarsePorTransfer #queue for transfer AUForzarCerradura #force lock AUTreparCable #climb poles AUTreparPared #climb wall AUPegarseABicho #follow/steal AUAbrirCajaFuerte #open safe AUDispararTirachinas #fire catapults AUUsarMuneco #use antenna AUUsarTelefono #use telephone
AUUsarSoplete #use blowtorch AUDetectarExplosivos #detect explosives AUManejarExplosivos #handle explosives AULanzarGranada #launch granades .TIPO_GRANADA EXPLOSIVA AULanzallamas #flamethrower use AUBazooka #bazooka use AULanzarMolotov #throw molotov AUAsociarBombaATrampa #add an explosive to a wire trap AUUsarArmaEstatica #use stationary weaponry
AUApuntarPorTransfer #aim to windows AUDispararRifle #use sniper rifle AUTreparCable #climb poles .USO_CABLES 0 - this parameter doesn't allow to move via cables if, and allows instead to use a sniper rifle from the pole
Green Beret
AUTreparCable #climb poles AUSaltarValla #jump fences AUAcuchillar #stab with knife AUEnterrarse #burry oneself in ground AUUsarComidaPeces #use fish food AUTransportaObjeto #move objects (barrels, crates etc.) AUUsarInterruptor [.INTERRUPTORES(RUEDA PALANCA)] - wheel lever AUDerribarPuerta #demolish door AUSaltarParacaidas #parachute jump
AUDesactivarMinaMarina #disable sea mines AUTirarseDeCabeza #pulled head ??? AUUsarComidaPeces #use fish food AUDispararArpon #use harpoon AULanzarCuchillo #knife throw
AUUsarSoplete #use blowtorch AUReparar #repair vehicles AUPonerCepo #set trap AUExcavarTrampaFoso #dig pit-trap AUTenderTrampaCable #use wire trap AULanzarGranada #throw granade (gas) .TIPO_GRANADA GAS
AUDistraerAleman #distract (seems to require something more to be unrecognizable by enemy) AUUsarJeringuilla #use poison
Seductress AUDistraerAleman #distract AUApuntarPorTransfer #aim to windows AUDispararRifle #use sniper rifle AUUsarTelefono #use telephone (.PUEDO_MANDAR_A_PUNTO 1.0)
Command Icons available for a commando (second .TOKEN with commando name, listed under
Common for everyone (well, except Whisky/Wilson maybe) IT_SALIR_S # go to IT_TECLADOOFF_S # keyboard on ? IT_TECLADOON_S # keyboard off ? IT_EXAMINAR_S # examine IT_AGACHARSE_S # not sure what these do though everyone has it IT_LEVANTARSE_NORMAL_S # not sure what these do though everyone has it IT_AGACHARSE_LEVANTARSE_S # bed # not sure what these do though everyone has it IT_TENAZAS_S # tongs (wire cutter) IT_BOTIQUIN_S # medkit IT_SILBATO_S # dog whistle IT_PISTOLA_S # pistol IT_COMIDAPERRO_S # dog food IT_LANZARTABACO_S # cigarettes IT_PRISMATICOS_S # binoculars IT_DISFRAZSOLDADO_S # soldier disguise IT_DISFRAZCIVIL_S # normal outfit IT_SUMERGIR_S # submerge (in water) IT_EMERGER_S # emerge (in water) IT_ESCALA_ENROLLABLE_S # rope ladder IT_SENUELO_S # place decoy IT_SENUELOON_S # decoy on IT_SENUELoOFF_S # decoy off IT_LATA_COMIDA_S # canned food IT_APOSTAR_NOMAS_S # autonomous shooting IT_GOLPEAR_S # hit IT_RIFLECORTO_S # rifle IT_METRALLETA_S # SMG IT_NARCOTICOS_S # sleeping pills IT_BOTELLA_S # bottle of alcohol IT_ASOMAR_BUCEANDO_S # looming out of water when submerged IT_DESASOMAR_BUCEANDO_S # stop looming out of water IT_SOLTAR_A_WHISKY_S # drop Whisky IT_BOTELLA_NARCOTIZADA_S # bottle of drugged alcohol IT_COMIDA_PERRO_NARCOTIZADA_S # drugged dog food IT_DESPEGAR_S # not sure but everyone has it IT_ATERRIZAR_S # not sure but everyone has it IT_DISFRAZSOLDADOJAPONES_S # japanese soldier disguise
Thief IT_ESCALA_DE_SABANAS_S # sheet ladder IT_GANZUA_S # lockpicks IT_PEGARSE_A_BICHO_S # follow/steal
Sniper IT_RIFLE_S # sniper rifle IT_RIFLE_ASOMADO_S # sniper rifle (window shooting?)
Sapper IT_SOPLETE_S # blowtorch IT_DETECTOR_S # mine detector IT_BOMBA_ACT_S # remote bomb IT_BOMBA_TIEMPO_S # time bomb IT_MINA_S # mine IT_MINACONTRACARRO_S # anti-tank mine IT_GRANADA_S # granade IT_BAZOOKA_S # bazooka IT_LANZALLAMAS_S # flamethrower IT_ACTIVADOR_1_S # activate bomb 1 IT_ACTIVADOR_2_S # activate bomb 2 IT_ACTIVADOR_3_S # activate bomb 3 IT_ACTIVADOR_4_S # activate bomb 4 IT_ACTIVADOR_5_S # activate bomb 5
Green Beret IT_CUCHILLO_S # knife IT_ENTERRARSE_S # burry oneself IT_USARCOMIDAPECES_S # fish food
Driver IT_SOPLETE_S # blowtorch IT_CEPO_S # trap IT_PALA_S # shovel IT_CABLETRAMPA_S # wire-trap IT_BOMBA_HUMO_S # smoke granade IT_BOMBA_GAS_S # gas granade IT_MOLOTOV_S # Molotov Cocktail
Marine IT_ZODIAK_S # "Zodiac" inflatable boat IT_PONER_TRAJE_BUZO_S # equip diving gear IT_QUITAR_TRAJE_BUZO_S # take off diving gear IT_USARCOMIDAPECES_S # fish food IT_DISPARAR_ARPON_S # harpoon IT_CUCHILLO_LANZABLE_S # knife (throwing) IT_GARFIO_S # grapling hook
Spy IT_DISFRAZCABO_S # lieutenant disguise IT_DISFRAZOFICIAL_S # officer disguise IT_INSIGNIA_S # distract IT_JERINGUILLA_S # posion syringe IT_ESPIAMIRAR_S # give 'look' command IT_ESPIAIRA_S # give 'move' command
Seductress IT_PINTALABIOS_S # painted lips (distract) IT_RIFLE_S # sniper rifle IT_RIFLE_ASOMADO_S # sniper rifle (window shooting?) IT_PONER_VESTIDONATACHA_S # Natsha's german disguise IT_PONER_VESTIDONATACHA_JAPO_S # Natsha's japanese disguise IT_QUITAR_VESTIDONATACHA_S # take off Natsha's disguise IT_GOLPEAR_CON_BOTELLA_S # hit with a bottle
Vehicles to drive:
GLOBO - baloon TANQUE - tank WILLIS - willis? CAMION - truck LANCHA_MOTORA - motorboat ASCENSOR - lift MONTA - mount SILLA_ALIADA - allied chair? CANON - cannon NIDO_AMETRALLADORAS - machine gun ZODIAK - Marine's inflatable boat MONTA_ALEMAN - german mounts CAMA - bed SILLA - chair ELEFANTE - elephant
Other stuff:
.ATRAVIESAALAMBRADAS 1.0 - makes a character able to crawl under barbed wires like the Thief (under
.MOTOR (MotorePeaton[]))
.MOTIONBLUR_CORRIENDO 1.0 - makes character blurred while running (under