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Commandos HQ  /  Modding & Mods  /  Thief Piano Wire and Sniper Knife in C2DP
Posted by: perogie, December 7, 2009, 9:30pm
Could someone mod C2: Destination Paris so that the Thief can use the piano wire? Or at least tell me how to do it. Also, could someone explain how to edit animations so that I can give the sniper a knife with knife animation? I tried using the anim editor that came with the modding tool kit, but it does not work.
Posted by: wyel2000, December 8, 2009, 11:40am; Reply: 1
1.use the piano wire
me moding is fail.  
\INTERFAZ\*.MSB have likelihood.

try add the ani code and edit the abi file.
Posted by: perogie, December 9, 2009, 3:50am; Reply: 2
I'm not sure what you mean in number one.

I'll try the ani code, but I think Duke needs to have the animation to use the knife, so I think I have to make it. I tried editing the ABI file, but that's only texture. It's not animation.
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