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Posted by: neonfish, May 2, 2009, 12:05pm
Posted by: AndrewT, May 3, 2009, 9:38am; Reply: 1
whohoo, man! i love the first screenshot where the commandos3 landing map was "ported". i wish it would be possible in the reverse way: commandos bel and btcod for commandos 2. i saw screenshots of them already, but i guess it has to be a long and hard work.
Posted by: Faiomehdi, May 8, 2009, 10:21pm; Reply: 2
I've just downloaded the modding tools in this website
can someone make a "real" tutorial about those tools and what the real fonction of those tools
Posted by: Imp, June 26, 2009, 12:20pm; Reply: 3
I've been follwing the "Create a new map" tutorial which all seems to work until the point where I have to press F8 (in Map Editor) to set width and height. F8 does not give me anything but F12 does. The dialogs for width and height appear and the program wants to save a VOL file. I'm doing something wrong?

Edit: The tutorial also says to press F11 to save the BMP. But F11 does not seem to do anything either.
Posted by: herbert3000, June 26, 2009, 5:36pm; Reply: 4
Quoted from Imp
I've been follwing the "Create a new map" tutorial which all seems to work until the point where I have to press F8 (in Map Editor) to set width and height. F8 does not give me anything but F12 does. The dialogs for width and height appear and the program wants to save a VOL file. I'm doing something wrong?

Edit: The tutorial also says to press F11 to save the BMP. But F11 does not seem to do anything either.

looks like you used the old version of the Map Editor. Download MapEditor1.03 here:
good luck

PS: also check if you've got the latest versions of the other tools.
Posted by: Imp, June 26, 2009, 8:20pm; Reply: 5
Yes you are right, thanks. I grabbed the lot not knowing exactly what was what and started using an older version. The WadCreator.class is newer than the WadCreator1.3 ziped one as well.

But I have an other problem now. The tutorial says to extract all files in wargame.dir. I did that years ago and made a zip so I unziped all files to their respective directories.
I can now play except I don't see the GB. Everything else is there as far as I see... Driver, Marine, decoy etc.. just not the GB. I redid the dirextract step but I get the same files and the same result. Obviously with wargame put back I do see him. Any suggestions please?
Posted by: herbert3000, June 26, 2009, 10:45pm; Reply: 6
try to replace the original MAPA0000.MIS by the following file:
don't forget to change the extension txt to mis.
Posted by: wyel2000, July 3, 2009, 12:52am; Reply: 7
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