A Guide: How to switch between patches without reinstalling the modSubject: This Guide is made so you don�t have to reinstall Commandos II, if you have played in a Patch/Mod of the game.
And you want to go back to play 1.20 Intarnational Patch.
Just follow the 7 Steps in the Guide, and you can easilly change between the Patches/Mods.
1. Make a new (sub) Folder inside the "Commandos II" folder.(name it just Patches).2. Inside the new Folder "Patches", you make a Folder for each Patch/Mod.e.g.:
C:\Program Files\Commandos II\Patches\1.20
C:\Program Files\Commandos II\Patches\1.22
C:\Program Files\Commandos II\Patches\1.22s
C:\Program Files\Commandos II\Patches\1.23
C:\Program Files\Commandos II\Patches\1.34DPDepends on what Patches you use.
3. Copy the original 1.20 data folder & the output folder into the "1.20" folder under "Patches" you just made. (Then you have a safe bakup of it).4. To install Mod 1.34 double click "DP1.34finalSetup.exe" that you have downloaded, and install it to the original Commandos II folder.Make sure it looks like the installation path shown here.
Default =
C:\Program Files\Commandos II).Sometimes the Mod is about to
install another commandos II inside the commandos II. e.g. (Default = C:\Program Files\Commandos II\Commandos II).
PS!! It is most important that you install into the original Commandos II folder.
There have been some problems with getting all the features of the Mod, if not installing correctly. Like no uniform in the inventory in Training 2.
5. To install the other patches just copy the 1.20 data/output folders back to the "Commandos II" folder.Install the patch, and move the data/output folders to the specific sub Folder again.
This to keep safe copy of the installed Patch/Mod.
6. When you are going to play in a specific Patch/Mod, you just exchange it with moveing the data folder and output folder.Take a look at the picture under.
7. Short explanation on how to change between Patches / Modes in Commandos II.Keep the folder of the mode you are playing in empty. To switch mode you move the data folder and the output folder back, and replace it whit the wanted patch.
This way you don�t have to reinstall the game.