Can you describe it in detail? Or give some screenshots?
Check if the SEC file with the same main name is also converted and used. It's coupled with the MBI. Without the same SEC, the terrain will be weird.
I think I should notice you that there are tools from NeoRAGEx2002 which can be used to examine ABIs and MBIs.
ABI Viewer
http://www.cnblogs.com/neoragex2002/archive/2007/08/20/863005.html [Chinese]
http://www.cnblogs.com/Files/neoragex2002/Comm_3D_Abi.rarMBI Viewer
http://www.cnblogs.com/neoragex2002/archive/2007/08/15/856505.html [Chinese]
http://www.cnblogs.com/Files/neoragex2002/Comm_3D_Mbi.rarNotice: Managed DirectX Runtime(2.23M) is needed.
http://www.cnblogs.com/Files/Rex/MDX_Runtime.rarhttp://files.cnblogs.com/neoragex2002/mdx_redist_11.rarAnd some update log for the Commandos Developing Toolkit:
If you download from the previous link recently. You need not to download it again.
A bug in MultiConverter relating INI file is fixed.
Auto environment variable appending and file convertion from inside PCK is applied to MultiConverter.
Finished MultiConverter, which is made for creating batch files to convert Comm3 mission resources to Comm2.
SECConverter is renamed to MultiConverter, and its functions are partially moved to SECEditor.
An improvement has been applied to the determination of to-be-deleted Comm3 polygons in MBI program.
A rouding error in the determination of to-be-deleted Comm3 polygons has been removed from the MBI program.
Refreshed something in MBI document and program relating the semi-transparence of the floor in the hall in Berlin mission.
Fixed a bug in MBI's program where textures are wrongly supposed to be 256*256.
The binary package doesn't contain formats documents any more, see
http://www.cnblogs.com/Rex/archive/2007/10/03/913427.htmlfor documents.
Refactored SECEditor and GraphSystem to get more extensiablity for pickable objects.
With the delayed loading technic, it's possible to use the GDI+ interface without Managed DirectX Runtime.
Added the right mouse button rotation function following "Homeworld".
Adjusted the colors of some kinds of districts.
Added status bar info. Hided the debug info, which can be shown with F1 button.
Refreshed some info about SEC in Comm2_SEC.zh.htm.
Fixed the error relating maximize and minimize the window.
Added the district picking ablity. Added the district attributes editing function.
Fixed some bugs relating the SECEditor controls.
Ensured to run SECEditor with Comm2 main program simultaneously.
Improved the performance of SECEditor.
Added supports for Direct3D graphics interface to SECEditor refering 3D .Sec Viewer by NeoRAGEx2002. And the painting scheme is also used.
Modified some structures in GraphSystem to reduce coupling.
Added cubic display of districts to SECEditor. Improved the keyboard control system.
Found a special data in MA2, and added handling for it.
Fixed a big mistake that ImageConverter is missing. It's because of the failure in conditional compiling and the neglect of checking automatic compiling result.
Modified Comm2_MBI.zh.html following NeoRAGEx2002's opinion.
Fixed a out-of-bound error in the Bmp file reading and writing when the horizontal offset is not zero.
Added *EX.MA2->Gif & Bmp and Y64<->Bmp in ImageConverter.
Notice: *EX.MA2->Gif & Bmp will be changed to *EX.MA2->Gif in future release. It's not realized now because the results of Bmp->Gif in .Net Framework is awful, and that I haven't understood the fast DCT (a good quantization algorithm).
Fixed the SEC problem in fixing it in 2007.07.31.0.
Fixed a problem in Comm2_Y64->Comm3_Y64.
Finished the decompression of the sub render data of MA2.
Fixed a bug relating creating new files with Y64Manager.
Fixed many problems with the reading and writing dismatch in ini file entries.
Modified the graphic algorithm of NDGrapher, and made fps the priority. Some suppositions are added to speed up the graphics.
Tested and found that in a flame of a typical SEC graph, the world transformation needs 40-60ms, and the clipping, perspective transformation and drawing cost 1000-2000ms.
Optimized the calculation sequence of the congruence transformations.
Added the MA2 write-to-file functions.
Started the SECEditor project.
Fixed a bug with opening the Comm3\DATA\MISIONES\ST1\ST1_03.SEC.
Enhanced Comm3_MBI->Comm2_MBI, by recovering some normal objects like ladders. But all enterable doors in all walls will show something purple(#FF00FF), which means transparent. Now I can only turn them black.