Playing_BEL_On_BCD_ALL.rar (60.8M) the "RaySource" software on doanload tool page: the "RaySource_Setup_*.*.exe" your IE and input: "To Download Page" button on goto page. "Raysource" button after wait. start your "RaySource" tool and appear info edit interface. "Start doanload" after confirm the info.
game means:
1.extraction WAR_MP.DIR and replace to your BCD game folder.
tool: *\Tools\CoRE.exe
2.rename WAR_MP.DIR. for example: !WAR_MP.DIR
3.extraction Playing_BEL_On_BCD_ALL.rar. replace all files to your BCD game folder. the Coman_mp.exe. start game after enter.
5.the mission first is BEL 1-20. and then is BCD mission 1-8.
1.some object not change after destroy. on mission 9 and 13 and 14.
2.the bcd mission not can by password to enter. look *\Tools\Password.eml and load the save.
3.easy mode is bel original version. hard mode is moding version.
4.the mission script copy from BEL all moding version.
5.thanks for herbert3000. supply to me moding message and some help.
to resume:
1.rename war_mp.dir to original name. for example: !WAR_MP.DIR -> WAR_MP.DIR
2.rename *\DATOS\MISIONES\MISIONES.DAT. or delete this file.
1.2009-8-26 release version1. content is bel mission 1-3.
2.2009-8-27 fix enemy is hide when the name is also.
3.2009-9-6 update all mission 1-20.
4.2009-9-7 fix the mission name id on password. (*\Tools\Password.eml)
5.2009-9-8 add all mission "mission complete" bitmaps. it is mission preview.
6.2009-11-28 fix the some issue when switchover.
-M01: relay station's lights are flashing, escape point set.
-M02: ladder is visible.
-M03: fix for the damn dam from the mission reverse engineering,
gate can be opened, red light is turned off.
-M05: green beret can climb hill, radar is destroyable
-M10: gate can be opened, tent added, junkers is visible
-M13: gates can be opened.
-M15: tram car is moving.
-all objective hint character.
note: The bitmaps res and fix by herbert3000. thanks you so much!
7.2009-12-19 fix the some issue.
-M10:map display issue.
-M13:diver can't release pontoon.
-other 10 mission. escape point set.8.fix m13 to take pontoon(temp) goto my blog:
2009-8-26 (Chinese Valentine''s Day for 2009)
