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Commandos HQ / Modding & Mods / My [little] mod : Coup De Main Party
Posted by: MoiChain, November 24, 2009, 4:12pm
1944, June, 5th, 22:56 Commandos Take off to Normandy.
2 hours laters, Glider N°4 of "Coup De Main Party" misses the target and lands many miles away from Pegasus Bridge.
Help your commandos to find a map and head to Caen with the truck.
Quick ! Allied bombers are on the way (listen to the skies). They might destroy the truck (or even yourselves) if you're not fast enough !
I tried to make 3 very different difficulty levels. Begin with the easiest.
Not too difficult for the moment (too many grenades and explosives available, etc...), but thanks to your comments, I will do a very good v1.1 !
This mod is intended to be used in DestinationParis environnement.
To install, unzip this file to your C2MoC-DestParis folder : select the
To uninstall, unzip this file to your C2MoC-DestParis folder : Luck !

Posted by: wyel2000, November 24, 2009, 6:27pm; Reply: 1
how to complete the objective!!! you have to test?
look the code.
the #4 #6 #8 to camion and camion on a area.
but not pass
by the way. the str is what language
Posted by: MoiChain, November 24, 2009, 7:45pm; Reply: 2
the str is in french, because I am french.
First : find the map (colditz map recycled) that is hidden somewhere !
Second : Truck on right exit (->, beyond the house) with commandos aboard should finish mission.
Posted by: wyel2000, November 25, 2009, 2:40pm; Reply: 3
ok. but me not know the French (language). :)
you set the kubel box is good idea. me lookup long time.
Posted by: Haart, December 1, 2009, 7:51am; Reply: 4
Can you upload your mod somewhere else? I can't download it. Thanks.
Posted by: MoiChain, December 1, 2009, 12:35pm; Reply: 5
Posted by: Haart, December 1, 2009, 3:06pm; Reply: 6
Thx. I have downloaded it. I will try to play tonight.
Posted by: Haart, December 2, 2009, 10:40am; Reply: 7
Good job. It was pleasant to play. Good idea with kubelwagen. I think that you have placed too many explosives and grenades. It is too much for such quantity of enemies.
Posted by: MoiChain, December 2, 2009, 10:40am; Reply: 8
I know. I'm working on v1.1, with fewer explosive, a little more ennemies...
Thanks for your feedback !
Posted by: MoiChain, December 3, 2009, 5:37pm; Reply: 9
Posted by: Haart, December 4, 2009, 11:51am; Reply: 10
Good! Now your mission is really more challenging than in the past. If it is not final release i would want to suggest some ideas:
1. Add an alarm zones in this mission and if it sound the enemies will switch on a huge projector that will light a half of this map and some new enemies appear.
2. Add some enemies that can recognize the spy. Let them look as normal officers but have ss officers abilities.
Note: You can comment codes like this:
it is very helpful when you want to comment a big quantity of lines.
Posted by: MoiChain, December 4, 2009, 12:51pm; Reply: 11
Many thanks for the hints...
I didn't know ss officers could recognize the spy where Wehrmacht officers couldn't. I'll implement this.
I have to work on alarms. I don't know how they work for the moment. I'll look at that.
Thanks for the usage of comments in the codes. I didn't knows how to "suspend"/ "switch off" / comment many lines of code at once.
Good luck to you.
Posted by: MoiChain, December 9, 2009, 9:13pm; Reply: 12
1. Add an alarm zones in this mission
Do you mean a zone on the map in which, when the player enters, the alarm sounds and soldiers appear so on ? Or do you mean an alarm on some other condition ? Or do you only suggest the DAR_ALARMA_AL_VER_ALIADO option ?
Anyway, thanks for the nice feedback...
Posted by: wyel2000, December 10, 2009, 1:54am; Reply: 13
警报共四个部分: 前三部分都在 .INTENDENCIA 部分里面设置
.DAR_ALARMA_AL_VER_ALIADO 1.0 #让敌人对尸体和发现盟军,并且都在警报区域内就开始响警报 ; 若无此句,则事件和警报都不能被触发
.TIEMPO 750.0
.TIEMPO 750.0
.ALARMA ALARMA01 #触发警报,并且ALARMA01定义的警报灯开始闪
-1069.0 -153.0 140.0
-32.7 -346.6 0
5.5 -315.8 0
15.3 -357.5 0
-7.7 -364.6 0
.TODO_EL_ESCENARIO 0 ###为0时,表示在.LISTA_POLYS此设置的区域里为定义区域,
0.此内设置的区域为警报区域,条件成熟(盟军被发现或引发爆炸或敌人发现死尸)就响警报,无此句.ALARMA ALARMA01, 则不会响警报~
1.对于盟军则必须有此句.DAR_ALARMA_AL_VER_ALIADO 1.0 ,才能触发事件EVU1. 无此句,则事件也不会被触发~
2.只要交通工具进入了设置的区域内,就触发事件EVU1发生,但不一定发生警报,可以重复触发事件,有无此句.ALARMA ALARMA01一样触发事件
Posted by: MoiChain, December 10, 2009, 9:19am; Reply: 14
Thank you. I'll work on that.
Posted by: Haart, December 10, 2009, 10:25am; Reply: 15
.EVENTO EVU1 # event that will occur when alarm sound.
Posted by: MoiChain, December 10, 2009, 11:02am; Reply: 16
.EVENTO EVU1 # event that will occur when alarm sound.
... when Ally get caught in TRINCHERA zone, right ? or just when ally walks in TRINCHERA zone ?
Posted by: Haart, December 10, 2009, 11:28am; Reply: 17
... when Ally get caught in TRINCHERA zone, right ?
Yes. It's right.
Posted by: MoiChain, December 10, 2009, 2:45pm; Reply: 18
Thanks a lot for these useful informations. I will be able to work on alarms now .
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