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Posted by: r0ex, July 3, 2007, 1:31am
Commandos Developing Toolkit
Source Package Package 
1 General Introduction
The toolkit is mainly used in modification in Comm2 or Comm3.
See "UpdateLog.en.txt" for version and newest changes.
As there is a lack of time, I do not do much exception handling. Sorry.
If there is someone who want to write help or translate the toolkit, then do it. If you contact me, I'll be very happy.
If someone want to join the project, or have found a bug, or have some suggestions, please contact me at the following URL. 2 File Format List
Supported File Format
Y64Manager Y64
SECConverter SEC
ImageConverter Comm1_RLE GRL
Public File Format
Image File BMP JPG PNG
Sound File WAV CSF_rws(need Vorbis Codec)
Video File POP(need Indeo Codec) BIK(need RAD Video Tools)
D3DX Texture File DDS(Photoshop)
Not Supported
Image File Comm1_RLC Comm1_WAD ABI ARLC DES
All file formats above refer to files in resource folders or packages.
File formats without a version belong to Comm2 or Comm3, or for all versions, or public formats.
There are some repetition, as there are different formats share the same name. (ex. encoded and not encoded text files)
3 System Requirement
The software needs Microsoft .Net Framework 2.0. framework will not be able to be installed on older operation systems such as Win98 or Win2k, for lack of WindowsInstaller 3.1.
4 License
The software is freeware without charge, the main license is in FFPL.txt, but in Chinese.
The main meaning is that you can do all(copy, modify(except for the license), translate, etc) but you can not publish it in the original name when it's not the original software, and that we promise nothing.
There is an aditional restriction as follows:
The software and softwares which use codes from the software are not put it into commercial use directly or indirectly.
The copyright of the library Firefly.Core.dll shipped with the software is held by me. And I permit it use the same license of the software. The library is separately published, see copyright of the library shipped with the software is held by ComponentAce. Refer to for its license.
The copyright of the documents obj_format.en.txt and mtl.en.txt are held by Wavefront, Inc.
5 Reference
Source Code of the Toolkit Src\
Documents of the Toolkit Src\Doc\
URF's Website(Chinese)
http://www.faqy.cnneoragex2002's BLOG(Chinese)
http://neoragex2002.cnblogs.comMy BLOG(Chinese)
http://rex.cnblogs.comSina Commandos Forum(Chinese) Editing Center(Russian) Current Version is 2007.06.28.0 with a tool called MA2Handler.
It supports exporting MBI's internal images and MA2's data dumping.
It's not globalized 'cause it may be cancelled later on.
If someone want to know the file formats, see Src\Doc\.
Posted by: r0ex, July 29, 2007, 10:25am; Reply: 1
The toolkit is updated.
wyel2000 has released a mission with my toolkit in
Source Package Package ------------------------------------
Merged in NDGrapher solution, which is my first project since I started programing, to prepare for the following SECEditor.
Changed the licence of NDGrapher and its sub-projects to FFPL to open soure.
Enhanced Comm3_MBI->Comm2_MBI, by removing exceptional objects like sunshine.
Enhanced Comm3_Y64->Comm3_Y64, by adding an option "Replace with Comm2 Palette".
Hint: You can adjust the colors of the target Y64 by change this option and the Lightness Factor, the Saturation Factor below.
Fixed a problem in SECConverter with the target file dialog displaying "Open".
Fixed a bug in PCKManager with canceling readonly attribute when opening PAK files of CSF.
Found a new version 1010 for Comm2_ABI. Refreshed document Comm2_ABI.zh.htm and the program.
Modified Y64Manager and corrected the errors. Canceled the limitation in converting and creating Y64 files in Comm3. But I haven't decoded the unknown data in Comm3_Y64 yet. I am sure that it contains MA2 data by converting it to Comm2_Y64 and back.
Moved the MBI convertion into ImageConverter.
Separated the source pack from the binary pack again. With the source pack you can quickly create binary files quickly by Build.cmd.
Corrected a problem with MBI convertion.
Added MBI file analysis for Comm3. Refreshed document Comm2_MBI.zh.htm. Added auto convertion when handling MBI files of Comm3 to MA2Handler.
Modified the analysis of ABI format in Comm2_ABI.zh.htm. Finished the unpacking the images in ABIs of Comm2 and Comm3. Other information in ABI (such as .max, .o) are not handled. Added ABI->Gif in ImageConverter.
Found a bug in Comm3's Y64 format analysis. It affects the handling of Comm3 in Y64Manager.
The newest available version without the bug is 2007.02.10.0.
Posted by: Rayz, August 3, 2007, 6:36am; Reply: 2
nobody replys u...
Posted by: ENV, March 31, 2008, 2:40pm; Reply: 3
I am having trouble converting .mbi files from commandos 3 to commandos 2 with multiconverter.exe, the new files do not work propperly =[
thanks for the tools! =]
Posted by: Rayz, April 3, 2008, 1:51pm; Reply: 4
i gta contact rex to help u...
Posted by: r0ex, April 3, 2008, 2:42pm; Reply: 5
Can you describe it in detail? Or give some screenshots?
Check if the SEC file with the same main name is also converted and used. It's coupled with the MBI. Without the same SEC, the terrain will be weird.
I think I should notice you that there are tools from NeoRAGEx2002 which can be used to examine ABIs and MBIs.
ABI Viewer [Chinese] Viewer [Chinese] Managed DirectX Runtime(2.23M) is needed. some update log for the Commandos Developing Toolkit:
If you download from the previous link recently. You need not to download it again.
A bug in MultiConverter relating INI file is fixed.
Auto environment variable appending and file convertion from inside PCK is applied to MultiConverter.
Finished MultiConverter, which is made for creating batch files to convert Comm3 mission resources to Comm2.
SECConverter is renamed to MultiConverter, and its functions are partially moved to SECEditor.
An improvement has been applied to the determination of to-be-deleted Comm3 polygons in MBI program.
A rouding error in the determination of to-be-deleted Comm3 polygons has been removed from the MBI program.
Refreshed something in MBI document and program relating the semi-transparence of the floor in the hall in Berlin mission.
Fixed a bug in MBI's program where textures are wrongly supposed to be 256*256.
The binary package doesn't contain formats documents any more, see documents.
Refactored SECEditor and GraphSystem to get more extensiablity for pickable objects.
With the delayed loading technic, it's possible to use the GDI+ interface without Managed DirectX Runtime.
Added the right mouse button rotation function following "Homeworld".
Adjusted the colors of some kinds of districts.
Added status bar info. Hided the debug info, which can be shown with F1 button.
Refreshed some info about SEC in Comm2_SEC.zh.htm.
Fixed the error relating maximize and minimize the window.
Added the district picking ablity. Added the district attributes editing function.
Fixed some bugs relating the SECEditor controls.
Ensured to run SECEditor with Comm2 main program simultaneously.
Improved the performance of SECEditor.
Added supports for Direct3D graphics interface to SECEditor refering 3D .Sec Viewer by NeoRAGEx2002. And the painting scheme is also used.
Modified some structures in GraphSystem to reduce coupling.
Added cubic display of districts to SECEditor. Improved the keyboard control system.
Found a special data in MA2, and added handling for it.
Fixed a big mistake that ImageConverter is missing. It's because of the failure in conditional compiling and the neglect of checking automatic compiling result.
Modified Comm2_MBI.zh.html following NeoRAGEx2002's opinion.
Fixed a out-of-bound error in the Bmp file reading and writing when the horizontal offset is not zero.
Added *EX.MA2->Gif & Bmp and Y64<->Bmp in ImageConverter.
Notice: *EX.MA2->Gif & Bmp will be changed to *EX.MA2->Gif in future release. It's not realized now because the results of Bmp->Gif in .Net Framework is awful, and that I haven't understood the fast DCT (a good quantization algorithm).
Fixed the SEC problem in fixing it in 2007.07.31.0.
Fixed a problem in Comm2_Y64->Comm3_Y64.
Finished the decompression of the sub render data of MA2.
Fixed a bug relating creating new files with Y64Manager.
Fixed many problems with the reading and writing dismatch in ini file entries.
Modified the graphic algorithm of NDGrapher, and made fps the priority. Some suppositions are added to speed up the graphics.
Tested and found that in a flame of a typical SEC graph, the world transformation needs 40-60ms, and the clipping, perspective transformation and drawing cost 1000-2000ms.
Optimized the calculation sequence of the congruence transformations.
Added the MA2 write-to-file functions.
Started the SECEditor project.
Fixed a bug with opening the Comm3\DATA\MISIONES\ST1\ST1_03.SEC.
Enhanced Comm3_MBI->Comm2_MBI, by recovering some normal objects like ladders. But all enterable doors in all walls will show something purple(#FF00FF), which means transparent. Now I can only turn them black.
Posted by: r0ex, June 9, 2008, 6:34am; Reply: 6
Posted by: GMC.Phantom, June 10, 2008, 4:32pm; Reply: 7
this is great! Nice Work Rex. If you manage to create maps, we can start making new commandos stories. Fans would surely appreciate. Maybe Pyro will release a new version of the Commandos 2 engine so that it can be much more interesting to play..
It is never too late...
Posted by: Rayz, July 15, 2008, 6:18am; Reply: 8
since we have already had c3 missions converted into c2 mission...i think we should update the c2 version number...1.34 is not present we can play 48 missions in c2..
Posted by: wyel2000, August 16, 2008, 4:48am; Reply: 9
Posted by: Rayz, August 16, 2008, 5:53am; Reply: 10
Posted by: GMC.Phantom, September 23, 2008, 5:26am; Reply: 11
If you could include all the missions in one file, we could start making a new mod with a new name and version, something like Commandos Chronicles, featuring all the missions from C1 to C3. I could fill each level with enemies like I did with DP.
Posted by: wyel2000, September 25, 2008, 4:29pm; Reply: 12

Posted by: GMC.Phantom, September 27, 2008, 11:08pm; Reply: 13
very nice, my compliments :OK!:
Posted by: Rayz, September 29, 2008, 7:33am; Reply: 14
Posted by: Sooslik, October 1, 2008, 7:03am; Reply: 15

interesting... :Clap:
Posted by: AndrewT, December 9, 2008, 5:42pm; Reply: 16
i would like to ask you guys question about bsmb decoder. is this the right tool to extract (textures from) .abi files? (to tell the truths i didn't find any other tools to decrypt stuff). following the instructions wasn't successful while trying to decrypt panzer3.abi.
i saw skin modifications, for example a greenberet, so i guess there must be a way to extract the bmp from .abi files. (opening the original one with abi workshop makes the textures very noisy)
any suggestions would be greatly appreciated
Posted by: wyel2000, December 10, 2008, 3:34am; Reply: 17
Posted by: AndrewT, December 10, 2008, 2:29pm; Reply: 18
wooow, strange to see those planes at paris :)
well, now i have another question. i already had this toolkit, now i know that image converter will be the tool i need, and for .vb files i have to use visual basic. thats where i'm stucked :S i can't get those vb files work. when i run it, it says compile error, invalid outside procedure, which doesn't tell me too much.
as a programming analphabete i would like to request some help again, what should i do to be able to extract a clean image from abi files to skin it (thats the part where i won't have problems with photoshop :) ), then use the modified stuff ingame.
all beginnings are difficult :'(
Posted by: wyel2000, December 10, 2008, 3:39pm; Reply: 19
Posted by: AndrewT, December 10, 2008, 5:38pm; Reply: 20
yeah, i read these in the readme, the pc meets the requirements, i have .net framework 3.0 (2.0 is required), directx 9.0c from september 2007 (october 2006 is required), and windows xp sp2 which of course supports both directx8 and 9.
so the skins look like this with the original abi files extracted right from the package.

noisy like hell, thats why i thought there has to be a way to decrypt/decode/convert them to get a clear texture, free from those little colored stuffs.
imageconverter seemed to be the right choice, but in the source pack there is the developer file with .vb extension, which i can't handle. i opened it with visual basic studio, but when i try to run it, it tells me about compilation errors, and due to lack of programming knowledge i don't know how to solve it.
the binary package, which i hoped i'm gonna find executable versions of the vb files are only object examples.
the pages with the tutorial you linked here don't seem to load in, it takes many many time and end usually with a time out :(
so again: i would like to extract a clean texture from an abi file, edit it, and pack back to abi.
now i feel myself a dumbass, but still don't get it. :B
so now what? :)
Posted by: wyel2000, December 11, 2008, 2:36am; Reply: 21
Posted by: AndrewT, December 11, 2008, 9:47am; Reply: 22
many thanks, mate, that's exactly what i needed! :o
Posted by: Sgt.Schnitzel, December 13, 2008, 2:48am; Reply: 23
Are those planes flyable by the player?
Posted by: Rayz, December 18, 2008, 12:51am; Reply: 24
Posted by: Coagent, December 28, 2008, 6:58am; Reply: 25
hi can u guys do me a favour... plz help me to add maps of commandos men of courage in commandos 3 (destinition berlin) for death match.....
Posted by: Coagent, December 28, 2008, 10:59am; Reply: 26
hello i use developers kit and use the tool named (Y64Manager) to change the map of commandos 3 tutorial to commandos 2 tutorial the map was changed and displayed as well but the mission was same and the position of the nazi offices is of the previous tutorial..... i neec help
i want to play death match in commandos 3 but on the maps of commandos 2 plz help me guys............
Posted by: wyel2000, December 28, 2008, 4:06pm; Reply: 27
Posted by: Coagent, December 28, 2008, 4:16pm; Reply: 28
thx but how about add maps of commandos 2 in commandos 3 bcoz in commandos 3 we can play death match...
i only want more maps in it.. is it possible?
Posted by: wyel2000, December 28, 2008, 5:08pm; Reply: 29
have possible.
but the death match mode need change program.
and the people attribute.
you can see the c3 .mis files (*_MP.MIS)
Posted by: Coagent, December 29, 2008, 8:30am; Reply: 30
ok thx
all u mean to say i have to done it by my self through creating script in it and stuff like that or useing some language skills to create maps for death match in commandos 3 ...
and u guys working on creating death match in commandos 2 or the commandos developer...................
Posted by: wyel2000, December 29, 2008, 8:46am; Reply: 31
Posted by: 119 (Guest), December 29, 2008, 5:48pm; Reply: 32
Posted by: 119 (Guest), December 29, 2008, 6:13pm; Reply: 33
I also this programme no to operate help pls !!!!
Posted by: wyel2000, December 30, 2008, 1:03am; Reply: 34
Posted by: Rayz, December 31, 2008, 8:15am; Reply: 35
gta have vacation soon!!!
Posted by: 119 (Guest), December 31, 2008, 1:21pm; Reply: 36
Posted by: Coagent, January 1, 2009, 9:37am; Reply: 37
hello guys
i want to know how can i edit in the map of commandos 3... like more buildings, pol, tree, etc.....
is it possible?????
useing this toolkit????????????
Posted by: wyel2000, January 2, 2009, 3:46pm; Reply: 38
Commandos Developing Toolkit
Source Package Package 1 General Introduction
The toolkit is mainly used in modification in Comm2 or Comm3.
See "UpdateLog.en.txt" for version and newest changes.
2 File Format List
Supported File Format
Y64Manager Y64
SECConverter SEC
ImageConverter Comm1_RLE GRL ABI MBI MA2
Public File Format
Image File BMP JPG PNG
Sound File WAV Comm3_OGC CSF_rws(need Vorbis Codec)
Video File POP(need Indeo Codec) BIK(need RAD Video Tools)
D3DX Texture File DDS(Photoshop)
Not Supported
Image File Comm1_RLC Comm1_WAD ARLC DES
All file formats above refer to files in resource folders or packages.
File formats without a version belong to Comm2 or Comm3, or for all versions, or public formats.There are some repetition, as there are different formats share the same name. (ex. encoded and not encoded text files)
Posted by: Coagent, January 4, 2009, 5:04am; Reply: 39
yes i have this toolkit already but i don,t know how to use this..... :(:(:(
i just need little help
like how i add new building, where i find it...
i try to find but most of stuff in chines so i cant read it :(:(
THX............ for ur help
Posted by: r0ex, January 4, 2009, 10:42am; Reply: 40
Sorry. This toolkit is not fully documented, as it is mainly focused on the file formats.
Adding new buildings requires modifications in many places.
You need to modify:
(1) textures in Y64 files (for exterior scenes) or MBI files (for interior scenes).
(2) depth info in MA2 files (for exterior scenes, not realized now) or graphical models in MBI files (for interior scenes).
(3) physical models in SEC files.
(4) MIS/BAS scripts.
For (1)(2)(3), you can use ImageConverter.exe.
For (4), any text editor, or if it's compiled, use BsmbDecoderShell to decompile. For this part, I think there must be some tutorials out there.
Now, only the interior scenes can be fully moded.
MBI files tranlate to Obj + Mtl + Gif files. And they can be handled by 3DSMAX, or some other 3D tools.
Follow the instructions in Src\Doc\OBJ_ConvertProcedure.en.htm.
Posted by: Coagent, January 4, 2009, 4:17pm; Reply: 41
thx brother!!
i will try to edit in map surly....
Thx again....
Posted by: 119 (Guest), January 17, 2009, 4:01pm; Reply: 42
Posted by: AndrewT, January 17, 2009, 6:18pm; Reply: 43
well, i really would like to help, but i don't understand too much of the text. is this turkish windows?
Posted by: 119 (Guest), January 17, 2009, 6:54pm; Reply: 44
Yes I'm Windows Turkish
error that : Application building straight not...
So writer...
Posted by: wyel2000, January 18, 2009, 6:55am; Reply: 45
Posted by: 119 (Guest), January 18, 2009, 8:04am; Reply: 46
This programs I also anyway loaded :D...
why no openeng lack of understanding :(
Posted by: wyel2000, January 18, 2009, 8:08am; Reply: 47
The software is used to translate Commandos image files.
Now supporting:
Y64 <-> Bmp
RLE <-> Gif
GRL <-> Gif
ABI -> Gif
MBI <-> Obj + Mtl + Gif
SEC <- Obj
MA2 -> Gif & Bmp
Drag the files or directories onto the application file
- Or -
Use console mode like: ImageConverter file1 file2 file3 ...
will run it.
But you can't drag too much at a time, as there is a limit in Windows that may cause some troubles.
Don't change the last two extended filename of exported file or directory (ex. ".rle.gif", ".grl.files").
For GRL files, when you change the name of the files under the directory, reserve the last extended filename(".gif"), and change the corresponding filename in "Description.ini" and scripts which are related to the file.
Notice: The gif files being exported out may have some problem when you draw new colors on it. (It's not the color you want.) It's caused by the palette. You CAN change the palette. What you need is to save the image as gif at last, then it's OK to be re-imported.
Posted by: 119 (Guest), January 18, 2009, 8:23am; Reply: 48
I image conventer how to operateno to understand...
Posted by: AndrewT, January 19, 2009, 10:58am; Reply: 49
to quite honestly say i'm also having difficulties trying to use image converter.

do have microsoft frame network
do have directx9
do have windows xp pro sp2
the results are the same even if i try to use from console or drag'n drop onto the program
Posted by: 119 (Guest), January 19, 2009, 11:01am; Reply: 50
:( :( :( :(
I windows xp service pack 1 :(:(:(:(:(
Posted by: Rayz, January 19, 2009, 2:42pm; Reply: 51
Posted by: 119 (Guest), January 19, 2009, 2:49pm; Reply: 52
Posted by: Rayz, January 19, 2009, 3:00pm; Reply: 53
Quoted from 119
I windows no orginal...
can not understand....??
Posted by: 119 (Guest), January 19, 2009, 3:44pm; Reply: 54
I windowns not orginal...
Posted by: Rayz, January 19, 2009, 4:22pm; Reply: 55
Quoted from 119
I windowns not orginal...
still cannot understand...omg my poor english
Posted by: Rayz, January 19, 2009, 4:26pm; Reply: 56
Posted by: 119 (Guest), January 19, 2009, 4:32pm; Reply: 57
OK rayz,... thank you!...
Posted by: Rayz, January 19, 2009, 4:37pm; Reply: 58
Posted by: Rayz, January 19, 2009, 4:38pm; Reply: 59
Posted by: wyel2000, January 19, 2009, 4:44pm; Reply: 60
Posted by: r0ex, January 21, 2009, 1:53pm; Reply: 61
Document HowToBuildANewMap.en.txt translated.
Posted by: Faiomehdi, January 31, 2009, 1:51pm; Reply: 62
how to open the fonts files in PCK archives with the extension FNC and FNM and I'd like to know how to compil the modified images into Grl file
Posted by: Incor, February 11, 2009, 11:54am; Reply: 63
Hello, I am a new one and my english is very bad... sorry))
Any body know how to rechange .ma2 file, or can we modify (create) it in Photoshop in layers mode?
r0ex can do that?
Posted by: r0ex, February 11, 2009, 4:06pm; Reply: 64
I have not studied FNC and FNM, thus have little knowledge on them.
For GRL files, just drag the exported directory "xxxx.grl.files" onto ImageConverter and it will import modified images back into the original GRL files.
It's hard to create a new ma2 file.
A format specification for ma2 in Chinese exists.
But now there is only the ImageConverter to export some masked images out from ma2 files.
Additional designing and programming are needed to finally make ma2 file convertible.
Posted by: Incor, February 11, 2009, 4:16pm; Reply: 65
To R0ex: How many polygons we can place in one interior?
Or can we create hi-detailed place and replace it to commandos 2 or 3
Posted by: Incor, February 11, 2009, 4:25pm; Reply: 66
to r0ex: Can you mobilize all yours commandos dev toolkit in one big and easy program?
And how to create sec files for ready 3d location?
Posted by: r0ex, February 11, 2009, 5:04pm; Reply: 67
5. The MBI format restricts the number of vertices and textures.
Maximum number of vertices is 32768;
Maximum number of textures is 256.
See HowToBuildANewMap.en.txt and OBJ_ConvertProcedure.en.htm provided with my toolkit for details on dealing with SECs.
I have little time to further develop the kit now. It costs too much time to build an integrated GUI program.
Posted by: Incor, February 12, 2009, 9:44am; Reply: 68
r0ex: How to create ABI file + integrate animations for tham?
Posted by: r0ex, February 12, 2009, 10:58am; Reply: 69
The ABI workshop in the previous posts may help you deal with some of the ABIs.
My toolkit has included a image export functionality for ABI, but the ABI is still something that remains a document.
Posted by: Incor, February 12, 2009, 12:21pm; Reply: 70
r0ex: I mean to create new 3d model like tiger, sdk... (included texture) and part of it with animations...
Posted by: r0ex, February 13, 2009, 4:24pm; Reply: 71
I understand. A new 3d object like tiger need to be converted into ABI.
A ABI file contains one or more animations for 3d objects.
A specification exist (which needs a little adjusting for about 5 version of ABI formats).
No converter available.
Posted by: Incor, February 14, 2009, 11:12am; Reply: 72
Have you see this file before?
*ABIPATH "C:\Comm2\Data\Anims\ABI\ps_cze26_02.abi"
*PIVOTE 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000
*ROTACION 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 1.000000
*NOMBRE "pi_czm17_00"
*PIVOTE 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000
*ROTACION 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 1.000000
*PIVOTE_BASE 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000
*ROTACION_BASE 0.000000 -0.700000 0.000000 -1.000000 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 1.000000
*PIVOTE_PADRE 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000
*ROTACION_PADRE 1.000000 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 1.000000 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 1.000000
*NOMBRE "ps_cze26_02.max"
*VERTICE 0.541855 -3.759262 236.903687
*VERTICE 150.651337 -3.759260 237.435181
*VERTICE 150.651337 -3.759255 0.000008
*VERTICE 0.000000 -3.759257 0.000000
*VERTICE 0.541855 3.759265 236.903687
*VERTICE 150.651337 3.759267 237.435181
*VERTICE 150.651337 3.759272 0.000008
*VERTICE -0.000008 3.759271 0.000000
*VERTICE 6 0.492291 0.999500
*VERTICE 1 0.492291 0.167553
*VERTICE 2 0.492291 0.999500
*VERTICE 5 0.492291 0.167553
*VERTICE 1 0.492291 0.167553
*VERTICE 6 0.492291 0.999500
*VERTICE 4 0.995022 0.169416
*VERTICE 3 0.996837 0.999501
*VERTICE 0 0.995022 0.169416
*VERTICE 7 0.996837 0.999501
*VERTICE 3 0.996837 0.999501
*VERTICE 4 0.995022 0.169416
*VERTICE 3 0.497515 0.999500
*VERTICE 2 0.000500 0.999500
*VERTICE 0 0.495728 0.169416
*VERTICE 2 0.000500 0.999500
*VERTICE 1 0.000500 0.167553
*VERTICE 0 0.495728 0.169416
*VERTICE 4 0.991358 0.169416
*VERTICE 6 0.507962 0.999500
*VERTICE 7 0.993103 0.999501
*VERTICE 4 0.991358 0.169416
*VERTICE 5 0.507963 0.167553
*VERTICE 6 0.507962 0.999500
*VERTICE 0 0.995022 0.169416
*VERTICE 1 0.492291 0.167553
*VERTICE 5 0.492291 0.167553
*VERTICE 4 0.995022 0.169416
*VERTICE 0 0.995022 0.169416
*VERTICE 5 0.492291 0.167553
*JLINK "pi_czm17_00" 0 8
*NOMBRE "k_pts_c4.bmp"
*BITMAP "E:\ZZZ TEMPORAL EDU\CZ(puertasGpatiointerioramedias)\CZE26\k_pts_c4.bmp"
*NAME "cze26_02"
*JOINTNAME "pi_czm17_00"
*TIME 0.000000
*ROTACION 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 1.000000
*TRASLACION 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000
*ANCLAJE 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000
*SEC {
*NOMBRE "cze26_02"
*JANIM "cze26_02" "pi_czm17_00"
*AVANCE 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000
maybe its will help you?
Posted by: wyel2000, February 14, 2009, 7:23pm; Reply: 73
The .ANM files is debug version file. not action/
Posted by: Incor, February 15, 2009, 2:31pm; Reply: 74
Yes, but it can be like this .ini file, that includes all data about file// for example an2 or y64...
We must work with each of 5 versions of ABI file...
... But I dont know what is that versions like...
Posted by: r0ex, February 16, 2009, 4:47am; Reply: 75
I plan to translate all the existing documents in my project into English.
Posted by: Incor, February 16, 2009, 8:25am; Reply: 76
Posted by: Incor, February 16, 2009, 12:42pm; Reply: 77
to r0ex: How to help you with yours dev toolkit? And can you teach me to create the program like yours?
Have you wrote the mail to pyro studios?... Sorry for my errors... my english is very bad)))
Posted by: Incor, February 16, 2009, 12:50pm; Reply: 78
r0ex: can you show me a structure of ABI file or algoritm of opening ABI file?
Posted by: r0ex, February 17, 2009, 2:22am; Reply: 79
"How to help you with yours dev toolkit?"
My toolkit is built with VB.Net with a BSD license, you can download the sourcecode from my blog.
Once you can modify my codes and add something new, you can contact me and send me the patch. Then I may consider to host the project on a website like Google Codes.
"And can you teach me to create the program like yours?"
My toolkit is built with VB.Net, so you need to be able to use at least one of the .Net languages.
I'll send you my email address.
If you have any problem of all this, please contact me.
"Have you wrote the mail to pyro studios?"
No. Neither do I think it's appropriate. Further more, it seems Pyro is focusing on something else.
"can you show me a structure of ABI file or algoritm of opening ABI file?"
The structure of ABI file is specified in "Src\Doc\Comm2_ABI.zh.htm" in my toolkit source package. It's in Chinese and is what I'm translating.
Its code is at "Src\FileSystem\Comm2\ABI.vb", which need further work.
Posted by: Incor, February 18, 2009, 8:18pm; Reply: 80
Thanks a lot for your help!!!))) I'll try to do my best in developing new things in old but greatest game ever created!))))
Lets create one project which will consist of our all ideas and yours (r0ex) research and work... The Destination Paris project
was good incitement to create something own and new. What do you think?
Posted by: 119 (Guest), June 7, 2009, 1:25pm; Reply: 81
Posted by: wyel2000, June 8, 2009, 6:44am; Reply: 82
Posted by: Incor, August 11, 2009, 1:17pm; Reply: 83
Boys help: In any way can not activate the ax of co-ordinates Z (to lift some picture up (2D))!!!!
-133.57 -305.0 290.0
.RADIO 10.0
.ALTURA 290.0
.ANI *.an2
somewhere I could do it a year ago (before my HDD broke). Can not guess now - tried almost everything!! Remember that I script one line and everything work. Will expect reviews!!!!
Posted by: wyel2000, August 12, 2009, 1:36am; Reply: 84
Boys help: In any way can not activate the ax of co-ordinates Z (to lift some picture up (2D))!!!!
somewhere I could do it a year ago (before my HDD broke). Can not guess now - tried almost everything!! Remember that I script one line and everything work. Will expect reviews!!!!
you can reference following code:
AnimadorSimple#3D. load *.ani->*.abi
.RADIO 20.0
.ALTURA 30.0
Animador2d #2D. load *.an2->*.grl
.RADIO 20.0
.ALTURA 30.0
.ANI TABACO.AN2 #tobacco
by the way: all the items is 3d on c3.
Posted by: Incor, August 12, 2009, 12:21pm; Reply: 85

Animador2d #2D. load *.an2->*.grl
.RADIO 20.0
.ALTURA 30.0
.ANI TABACO.AN2 #tobacco
It's only specifies on visualization of object (3D or 2D object)
I need to activate Z-coordinate!!!!
Posted by: wyel2000, August 13, 2009, 1:54am; Reply: 86
o. i'm sorry. i don't know。:)
but if the Z-coordinate without high.the default coordinate is 0.0
Posted by: Incor, August 13, 2009, 1:45pm; Reply: 87

it is more difficult method, but main is a result...
who will interest - will explain ( probably you guessed how to do it)
Posted by: wyel2000, August 14, 2009, 2:09am; Reply: 88
The grl and .CHUMINADAS is c3 code. but me not test on c2.
or use other code. only replace the .an2->.grl
ANIM_2D #c3_oriflamme
2250.0 1444.0 178.0
.ANG 0
.RADIO 91.0
.ALTURA 37.0
.AN2 Banderaslocomotora.grl
.DE_TREN 1.0
ANIM_SIMPLE #c3_wire
-383.0 -78.0 145.0
.ANG 18.0
.RADIO 24.0
.ALTURA 228.0
CAIDITA_AGUA #c3_rain water
-221.8 173.6 260.3
160.0 140.0 100.0
255.0 255.0 255.0
DUCHA #c2_swab down
-101.0 -16.0 75.0
ANIM_2D #c2_seaweed
182.0 -1168.0 -154.0
.ANG 0
.RADIO 11.0
.ALTURA 78.0
you too the means?
Posted by: Incor, August 15, 2009, 11:20am; Reply: 89
It' doesn't work! Or I making errors
Posted by: r0ex, August 16, 2009, 4:58am; Reply: 90
The Y64 reading and writing is improved.
The image conversion bug in Y64 is fixed.
Document BSMB.zh.txt is added.
A new native .Net implementation for BSMB -- DeBsmb is employed to replace BsmbDecoderShell.
Oslo MGrammar file for BSMB -- Src\FileSystem\Comm2\BSMB.m is added.
FileSystem\Common is removed. Instead, a reference to another project of mine, the "Firefly Localization Framework" is added. main part involved are Firefly.Core, Firefly.Imaging and Firefly.Packaging. These code derive from the CommDevToolkit project, but now consists a new system, which is hugely upgraded.
This Firefly framework is also BSD licensed.
The removal caused many imports correction in the source code.
NDGrapher, MagicCube, 3DMine are removed. Only the GraphSystem among the NDGrapher subprojects are preserved.
The source package are renamed back to CommDevToolkitSrc.rar.
Y64Manager is obsoleted and will be removed in some future release.
The library is used to replace the native zlib library.
Posted by: Incor, August 17, 2009, 1:50pm; Reply: 91
Good work!!! Finally!!! thank's alot!!!
Posted by: Incor, August 25, 2009, 3:26pm; Reply: 92
Posted by: wyel2000, August 31, 2009, 2:40am; Reply: 93
to due to poly3D a picture take visualization volume
you can add to ma2? or more message.
Posted by: 119 (Guest), August 31, 2009, 7:46am; Reply: 94
please help

Posted by: Incor, August 31, 2009, 1:36pm; Reply: 95
Work of such scale is very trouble and hard. It is a not direct action of ma2 format it's only his imitation, that by sight it reminds this format exactly...
If you want to know how to do it - will explain gladly!!!
to r0ex: How to convert .sec {-} .max ... Thanks!!!
Posted by: 119 (Guest), August 31, 2009, 1:46pm; Reply: 96
I not open image converter ???
Posted by: r0ex, September 1, 2009, 5:27am; Reply: 97
SEC -> OBJ -> MAX is not supported now. When we were trying to create new map last year, we get the sec's obj from mbi's obj.
It will be added in some coming version.
I can't see your picture, but I think your problem may be that you have not installed .Net Framework 2.0, or that you do not use ImageConverter by draging files to it.
Posted by: wyel2000, September 1, 2009, 5:40am; Reply: 98
Posted by: 119 (Guest), September 1, 2009, 9:39am; Reply: 99
I Frame Work 3.1 sp1 :D I not open Image Converter ????
Posted by: r0ex, September 1, 2009, 11:07am; Reply: 100
I don't think there is a .Net Framework 3.1
.Net Framework 2.0/3.0/3.5 are OK.
Posted by: 119 (Guest), September 1, 2009, 11:15am; Reply: 101
I tutorial 1 instead target:burma I want to do how will ? - YES MY FRAME WORK 3.5 BUT NOT OPEN IMAGE CONVERTER ???
Posted by: 119 (Guest), September 1, 2009, 11:45am; Reply: 102
error :
Image Converter
The software is used to translate commandos image files.
drag the files or directories onto the application file
use console mode like ImageConverter file1 file2 file 3
will run it
see readme.en.txt for more information - I ENGLİSH BAD :(((((
Posted by: r0ex, September 1, 2009, 12:25pm; Reply: 103
ImageConverter is not a GUI program, it is a console program.
To use ImageConverter, you should drag a image file (.Y64, .MBI, ...) and drop it onto the ImageConverter.exe.
You push the left mouse button on the image file, move mouse cursor to ImageConverter.exe, and release the button.
Posted by: 119 (Guest), September 1, 2009, 12:32pm; Reply: 104
Posted by: 119 (Guest), September 1, 2009, 12:34pm; Reply: 105
hehe :):):):) very thanksss
Posted by: 185 (Guest), September 4, 2009, 8:05am; Reply: 106
Tool Pro... THANKS !!! :)
Posted by: r0ex, November 1, 2009, 12:51pm; Reply: 107
A bug in MBI exportation in Comm2Demo is fixed.
MA2<->Xml is introduced for temporary use.

Posted by: wyel2000, November 1, 2009, 3:10pm; Reply: 108
me all the moding bases by the tools.
Posted by: Incor, November 1, 2009, 4:47pm; Reply: 109
Good job! Continue in that way, r0ex!
Posted by: r0ex, November 2, 2009, 8:59am; Reply: 110
Image exported from MA2 are put into seperate files, and are referenced by path in the Xml file.
Now MA2 can be edited using text editors and image editors.
It's not very convenient, but at least there is a way.
Posted by: r0ex, February 22, 2010, 5:16pm; Reply: 111
gif files in Examples\EX01.MBI.files with the version which is not "GIF89a" that caused troubles on converting are fixed.
SEC->OBJ supports added. Notice that SEC<->OBJ is not a back and forth conversion, as SEC->OBJ which cause the loss of TerrainInfo.
Codes involving Xml has been updated in Firefly.Core, to make it easier for custom Xml serialization. All <float>s in Xml output are changed to <Single>s. Byte arrays are no longer using base64 encoding. Importing will be affected to some extent.
To solve the problem with old data, please import them with old version toolkit and re-export them with the current version. If it's not possible to import, you may do some find-replace.
Some codes are updated to cope with Firefly.Core's changes.
After the release of .Net Framework 4.0 RTM, I will target to that version instead of 2.0/3.5.
All newly supported formats will get their Xml exporting format.
Source Package Package Binary Package
Posted by: sniper frank, February 22, 2010, 11:15pm; Reply: 112
i have a question:
Source Package that is helpful?
Posted by: r0ex, February 23, 2010, 9:14am; Reply: 113
It may be useful as all the file format documents are included in the Source Package.
The Binary Package only contains executables and the readme.
Posted by: r0ex, February 23, 2010, 12:11pm; Reply: 114
XmlConverter added, to convert the commandos formats with Xml.
MA2<->Xml moved to XmlConverter.
The directories exported by XmlConverter are marked with ".xfiles" extension, to avoid ambiguousity with what ImageConverter exports.
SEC<->Xml supports added.
Print page generated: February 27, 2010, 11:55pm