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Commandos HQ    Commandos Series    Commandos 3  ›  Commandos 3 co op mode like C2

Commandos 3 co op mode like C2 Print
1 Pages 1 Recommend Thread
April 21, 2009, 8:31pm Report to Moderator
Posts: 9
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Time Online: 4 hours 16 minutes
IS there any chance to play online cooperative multiplayer of C3 maps?   I ve read abot something abou t "playing C3 missions in C2" how does it work is it bugy or good
? anybody tried it ?what if I want only pure commandos3 missions not the DESTINATION PARIS mod with that pach (there is a link somewhere in C2 thread)
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Commandos HQ    Commandos Series    Commandos 3  ›  Commandos 3 co op mode like C2

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